What are the lighting requirments when it comes to adding an amemone to a tank. What are the tank size requirements. can any amemone live under a CURRENT power compact light???
it depends on the anemone. I have a long tentacle (could be a condi though) under pc's he is full of color and growing beyond control. my cleaner shrimp bonded to it and it's really cool. I would not recommend a bubble tip unless you meet dawgs requirements. All anenomes can eat fish in my experiance.
For something a little bit *different*, you could get a rock anemone (also called a flower anemone). No special lighting requirement and I feed this guy when I think about it -- once a week or so.
They attach to the rock and pretty much stay there (mine as been on this same spot on this same rock through two tank changes over the course of a year). Doesnt bother any fish, but if you're looking for something to host clowns, this isn't it. Clownfish ignore it completely.
dawgdude;197932 wrote: Ok, let me rephrase that. If a fish dies on top of a BTA and floats onto it, then yes it will eat it. If a fish swims to close to a condi anemone, or lets say a clownfish tries to host in it, it will get eaten.
I've had my clowns host a condi before in my 29g! They won't go after a fish, just like a carpet anemone wont. But, if a fish is weak enough, they'll "catch" and eat them.
You could keep a nem under pc's, and some have done just fine, but you'd be better off under higher lighting. If you have enough pc's and can keep the nem in a good spot, you could do it. Like CHarlie said though, you need good water quality and a mature, stable tank.
I have a 54 gal corner with one rbta one bta and a long tentacle with metal halide. For two years they have been on one basketball size rock. They have all survived an over night tank move. I just recently started to spot feed so they would hopefully split. I have a naked clown that hosts in all three. I do water changes every week and have decent water flow.
i have a condi anemone in my tank just the light that came with the tank and my tank has been up for 5 months and they are doing fine but one will not stay in one spot.. well now he is he is on the back of a rock and not out where he can be seen feed him every other day
I had a clown host in my condi for almost a year, till we got rid of the condi cuz he was too big. He never bothered anybody, and he was under PCs and did great- he got fed though, by the clown.
I also had two BTAs under PCs for a couple months.. Both did fine and were fed 1-2 times a week.
Not everyone has that kind of luck, though, so don't count on that working.
dawgdude;198189 wrote: It can happen that you get a condi that doesnt eat a clown hosting, however condis are from the Atlantic near the Bahamas and there arent any clownfish there to host so the act of a clown hosting is not something it understands.