Amino acid dosing

snarky shark

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Who doses amino acids for their coral and which brand do you prefer?
- if using, have you seen increased growth and color as proclaimed?

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My tank is mostly SPS. When starting my Acropower dosing, it made some corals have more PE and some of them colored up slightly. Growth was maybe slightly faster. All my corals started looking better (PE & Color) when I started dosing EasySPS Evo. Not only did the corals look better, my nutrients went down. The video by Coralvue says to watch your nutrients as they will go down from increased consumption and it did just that.
Well this didn't get all that much traffic and it's something I'm also interested in. Honestly, I use aminos because @Adam & @bhodges82 swear by them. I could add a few more names to that list but those are the main fellas I rely on. I started off using Aquavitro's Fuel but switched to Acropower. Now I use both & I dose manually. Why did I go back to Fuel? It looks and smells like it does more. I know it's not very scientific but that was my honest take away.

Has it helped? I've got two systems, a display and a frag system. I've had a number of issues with the frag system (it's just now a year old) so it's hard to tell exactly what's causing what. However, the display has been rock steady for years and the addition of aminos has helped with coloration. All thing equal, acros in the display used to really wash out and since I don't change much I attribute the additional color to aminos. For the frag tank, I've been doing to many things to point to a single source for improvement but I'm still buying and dosing them.
Unfortunately I haven't done any A/B testing - but I use Brightwell's in my reef chili mix.

I know it's a big no-no to dose stuff you can't test for (not to mention I have NO idea how much it's actually getting from daily feedings) but my tank is doing quite well, overall. I'm happy with the colors and growth rate I'm getting. Once I switched to making my own reef chili, corals have really taken off in my tank.
I think these type questions are very difficult to answer. What works for one may not for another. We all do things differently and have different components to our systems. I could say, yeah amino's worked great for me. But there's so much more to the story in the how's and why's. There's also the time factor. Things don't happen over night and you should never make multiple changes at the same time because you won't know why something worked or didn't work and every combination in between. Make a single change and observe for a couple weeks minimum, preferably a month to see how the system responded. With that said here's my story.

I never directly target fed my corals. Starting out I had enough problems with organics that whenever I tried it they would go up and lead to other problems. I think that until a system matures and you've learned how to handle the overall stability of your tank that any coral feeding should be held off. Once I got things under control and learned the complexities of a marine system I had stopped dosing amino's I had also stopped using socks and started blowing off the rocks more often along with stirring the sump up real good. I had finally got my ATS dialed in and had a firmer grasp of just looking at the tank, I could tell by the look of the coral how things were. This is when started adding CoralAmino to the frozen I fed the fish and a couple time a week I'd shut the skimmer down for four hours at lights out and dose the amino directly to the tank. Growth improved and the colors became more deep & vibrant.

I also do my lighting a bit different than most do. I do a 14hr schedule with whites only for the 1st & last hour. Whites start at 7am then the blues start at 8am. They both have a two hour ramp up & down. At 8pm the blues shut off and within 15min the coral PE gets to it's max and the feeder tentacles are out on the corals that have them. This is when I blow the rock work down real good and stir the sump up. On the days I add amino I do it once I'm done with the rock and the tank is a dusty cloudy mess. People often ask me why I run a skimmer and an ATS and It's because of the lack of socks and the amount I fed the fish, which in turn feed the coral.

In the end my advice would be to try it. Just do it at night with just the whites on or after lights out and shut the skimmer down for four hours. If you don't have a controller or timer, then just shut it down over night. If you don't turn the skimmer off it will pull all the amino's out in a couple hours and the coral won't have the time to take it in. I'd do the same thing with feeding the coral, let that food sit in suspension for a while.

Disclaimer... If you have vermetid snails I wouldn't do most of this. As I can attest, you'll have them everywhere.
I think these type questions are very difficult to answer. What works for one may not for another. We all do things differently and have different components to our systems. I could say, yeah amino's worked great for me. But there's so much more to the story in the how's and why's. There's also the time factor. Things don't happen over night and you should never make multiple changes at the same time because you won't know why something worked or didn't work and every combination in between. Make a single change and observe for a couple weeks minimum, preferably a month to see how the system responded. With that said here's my story.

I never directly target fed my corals. Starting out I had enough problems with organics that whenever I tried it they would go up and lead to other problems. I think that until a system matures and you've learned how to handle the overall stability of your tank that any coral feeding should be held off. Once I got things under control and learned the complexities of a marine system I had stopped dosing amino's I had also stopped using socks and started blowing off the rocks more often along with stirring the sump up real good. I had finally got my ATS dialed in and had a firmer grasp of just looking at the tank, I could tell by the look of the coral how things were. This is when started adding CoralAmino to the frozen I fed the fish and a couple time a week I'd shut the skimmer down for four hours at lights out and dose the amino directly to the tank. Growth improved and the colors became more deep & vibrant.

I also do my lighting a bit different than most do. I do a 14hr schedule with whites only for the 1st & last hour. Whites start at 7am then the blues start at 8am. They both have a two hour ramp up & down. At 8pm the blues shut off and within 15min the coral PE gets to it's max and the feeder tentacles are out on the corals that have them. This is when I blow the rock work down real good and stir the sump up. On the days I add amino I do it once I'm done with the rock and the tank is a dusty cloudy mess. People often ask me why I run a skimmer and an ATS and It's because of the lack of socks and the amount I fed the fish, which in turn feed the coral.

In the end my advice would be to try it. Just do it at night with just the whites on or after lights out and shut the skimmer down for four hours. If you don't have a controller or timer, then just shut it down over night. If you don't turn the skimmer off it will pull all the amino's out in a couple hours and the coral won't have the time to take it in. I'd do the same thing with feeding the coral, let that food sit in suspension for a while.

Disclaimer... If you have vermetid snails I wouldn't do most of this. As I can attest, you'll have them everywhere.
I have researched several and there are pros and cons to each from what I've read. As stated, what works for one may not fit another. Corals have been growing well but was looking for a little more polyp extension. Which can be various things but was looking to try aminos from good things I've heard. I was just tryring to see if there was a preference amongst reefers in the club. I ordered some coral amino to try because I can manually size at this time before I decided if I liked and wanted to get automated.

I appreciate the insight and feedback as always. I will keep you posted after I try the Coral Amino.

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I have researched several and there are pros and cons to each from what I've read. As stated, what works for one may not fit another. Corals have been growing well but was looking for a little more polyp extension. Which can be various things but was looking to try aminos from good things I've heard. I was just tryring to see if there was a preference amongst reefers in the club. I ordered some coral amino to try because I can manually size at this time before I decided if I liked and wanted to get automated.

I appreciate the insight and feedback as always. I will keep you posted after I try the Coral Amino.

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The reason I like Brightwell's CoralAmino is because it doesn't need to be refrigerated. Just don't dip the eye dropper into the tank water or otherwise contaminate it. If you do then it will need to be put in the fridge and it will still reduce it's shelf life.
The reason I like Brightwell's CoralAmino is because it doesn't need to be refrigerated. Just don't dip the eye dropper into the tank water or otherwise contaminate it. If you do then it will need to be put in the fridge and it will still reduce it's shelf life.
I read that, thanks for the heads up.

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I tried Red Sea AB+ to see what the hype was all about and my nitrates doubled. looked cool when I dosed it though, the bright yellowish green, but overall I saw no impact in growth or color. This may be because I already run my nitrates between 10-25ppm, so I didn't really need it. Just personal experience and I only went through one 1L bottle as a test.
I tried Red Sea AB+ to see what the hype was all about and my nitrates doubled. looked cool when I dosed it though, the bright yellowish green, but overall I saw no impact in growth or color. This may be because I already run my nitrates between 10-25ppm, so I didn't really need it. Just personal experience and I only went through one 1L bottle as a test.

I'm going to have to pick some of this stuff up. Perhaps I could just dose this instead of dosing aminos & NaNO3 to keep my nitrate level up!
I have always used Acropower. 1ml per 10 gallons daily. It does not need to be refrigerated. I use a dosing pump.

Because a coral polyps mouth is its entire digestive tract. They have the ability to consume amino acids in the water column just as if they ate food. Amino acids will also trigger a feeding response.

I have found amino acids to help fight against stn when running low nutrient systems. For the same reason, I believe they help in mixed reef environments as well.