Ammonia Level in my tank


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How much ammonia can be in a tan. Just got home and noticed that the fish didn't look like they should. So I checked ammonia first looks like it is between .25 and .50 Fis don't look good
You should never have ammonia in your tank! You need to do a water change, if you have some Prime by Seachem, that will help detoxify it!
I have 20 gallons ready for change should I go ahead and do that tonight. Do I need to do anything else.
Yes, I would do it tonight! Monitor levels until it goes down! do you have a protein skimmer on your tank?
the tank was purchased used as with live stock and water was transported on Dec. 12 yes I do have a protein skimmer
okay, well, like I said, just do a water change, wait about 10 minutes and check the ammonia again. If it is still high do another one, just to be safe. I have lost fish to ammonia and it's not fun. Tomorrow, you may want to go somewhere and buy some Prime by Seachem! Goodluck!
OK thanks for the help. Let me add this rookie mistake that I just found. The color of the fish did not look good is what led me to checking the water. Trying to decide what shade of color you have in the tube seems to be tricky. If you look at it one way looks good look at it another way bad. So the fish did't look good all else is ok must be the worse of the 2 I think until I unplug everything and find that something is still running I think. It turns out that a light under the cabinet had fallen into the sump and was shorting out. So I think that is what's wrong. Now how much damage has that done. Fish seem to be happy now
Please also post the rest of your parameters.

What brand of test kit are you using?

Any funny smells when you were moving the tank? It's "late" for ammonia to be showing up - a month + after a move... if there was a spike due to the move, it should have come and gone by now.

Tank size, contents.... more info, please.

that light should have tripped your GFIC and shut the power off to everything. that is some dangerous stuff man