anemone advice


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anyone know much about Seabae anemones? I have a green one. Have had it for a couple weeks. I got it when I got a pink bubbletip and both have been doing well until now. The BT is fine but the Seabae acts odd...

Since the first day it would deflate for a little while during the day, but it would always come back to full bloom if you will. It has always maintained a good color so I never worried about it's fullness. Seemed to always look its best in early am but anyway.

For the past couple of days it has remained deflated. NONE of the tentacles are full and the stalk seems to inflate and lengthen but not stick to anything. No matter where I put it. Yesterday it kept moving and ending up face down in the sand! Today I put him in a shell I have. I believe it is a dead plate coral I purchased with my rock just to have extra filtration. I thought it would feel safe in there. Well it is staying so far but again it is putting it's face against the side. Is this normal?

ALL my levels are within normal parameters. Just did a pc late last week - actually just before this all began.

I have an elegant and hammer corals all doing great as are my other two anemones. Fish are fine as usual...
When I first put him in, he kept going to the bottom of the tank further away from the lights. I figured he must like the sand? If my corals and other anemones were not doing so well I would think maybe it was lights, but they look amazing.
Are the two anenomes close because I hear that anenomes of different species will fight and release chemicals.