Anemone for 2 x true percula clown to host in?


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Anyone have suggestions on what would be the best addition for 2 x true percula clowns to try to host in?

The bubble tip anemone seems to be a big hit. RBTA or GBTA have any greater successes for the clowns hosting? I've read that they'll also host in hammerheads and some leathers. What have you had success with?

If I go with a BTA, should I start off with a larger specimen? Do the clowns like to "grow up" with the anemone before they host in it?

I have a frogspawn, but I haven't seen them even try to swim around in it.<u></u>
True percs will host in a nem no problem. It is the false that are kind of dee-dee-dee... A BTA would be your best bet. There are other nems they will host in but those nems are not as easy to keep. Color does not matter at all.

I swear size does not matter.... Ummm oh ya about the nems. Size really does not matter. If you had baby clowns, you might want a slightly smaller nem. But for any normal pair, it does not matter if they grow up with the nem.

Just be forewarned, nems and SPS coral do not mix well... Nems and powerheads really do not mix well... Heck, Nems and tanks do not mix all that well... ;) Just know what you are getting into and be ready for the risks.
Although its simply anecdotal, I've heard on numerous occasions that clowns will more readily host a GBTA over a RBTA.
I have 2 true perculas in my 24 gal nano that host in the frogspawn. The frogspawn has actually hosted 2 different sets of true percs.
MrsMojo;223838 wrote: I have 2 true perculas in my 24 gal nano that host in the frogspawn. The frogspawn has actually hosted 2 different sets of true percs.
Yep, mine just started hosting my frogspawn. I have avoided nems because they move and tend to kill everything in there path. I only kept my frogspawn around hoping they would host it. They finally did :up:
If you want a better bet, I would think carpets woudl be a maore suitable association. While BTAs are popular, percs do not naturally host in them. They will host in just about anything (mine hosted in my magfloat), but in terms of a natural draw, carpetsseem to be the best for true percs, IMO. That being said, heed what Brandon said about anemone/other coral mixtures.
FutureInterest;223797 wrote: Although its simply anecdotal, I've heard on numerous occasions that clowns will more readily host a GBTA over a RBTA.

What you said is true in my case.

I put a gorgeous, deep red RBTA that I had gotten for Mother's Day in my Darwins' nano. For over a month the ingrates ignored it. I moved it to my 90g and replaced it with a cheap-o $30 GBTA which they latched onto immediately.

Betcha if these guys had a choice between Boone's Farm and Grand Marnier, they'd guzzle the Boone's Farm!

<span style="font-size: 11px;">[P.S. -- the RBTA I moved to the 90g is huge and thriving. I'm lucky that it found a prominate perch right out in the open in clear view. And the ocellaris clowns I got from Lee for my 90g? They're still devoted to their cheap-o Xenia patch.]</span>
webwetmedia has not-so-good opinions about carpet anemones...."></a>

They eat fish and other critters. The carpets seem pretty aggressive.

Linda: I've got a patch of Xenia, but they haven't decided to host in that yet either. Trying to find these two a home!
phoenix20;224131 wrote:
Linda: I've got a patch of Xenia, but they haven't decided to host in that yet either. Trying to find these two a home!

How large is your display? If you have room, try floating a colander or a basket with the 'nem and the clowns in it (the way you often see them in the LFS's). Some reefers swear by this method.

Just make sure you have at least eggcrate over the display. With the clowns that close to the surface and in such a small cage, it would be easy for them to jump.
That is kind of a cool idea. The clowns are in a 65G display, 36 x 18 x 24

I've got a glass lid on the tank... I know I know...

I have a marineland 400 HOB filter, and when I was topless, I was getting salt creep everywhere! The HOB filters splash a lot of water on the surface. The glass lids put an end to the salt creep / evaporation issues.
phoenix20;224131 wrote: webwetmedia has not-so-good opinions about carpet anemones...."></a>

They eat fish and other critters. The carpets seem pretty aggressive.

Linda: I've got a patch of Xenia, but they haven't decided to host in that yet either. Trying to find these two a home![/QUOTE]

I agree. Carpets are VERY aggressive. But truew percs host in them naturally, so it would be a better bet. I am not suggesting one, but merely was anwering your question. Nonetheless, Good luck.
phoenix20;224142 wrote: That is kind of a cool idea. The clowns are in a 65G display, 36 x 18 x 24

I've got a glass lid on the tank... I know I know...

I have a marineland 400 HOB filter, and when I was topless, I was getting salt creep everywhere! The HOB filters splash a lot of water on the surface. The glass lids put an end to the salt creep / evaporation issues.

haha, I have two emperor 400s. I feel the pain. I get made fun of every now and again on here for it, but I tried a product called salt creep eliminator. It's not perfect, but with a nice coat the salt creep wipes off now instead of crusts on. Sorry for the hijack, just thought I'd share.

My clown pair divorced now one hosts a frog spawn while the other has yet to find a place...odd