Anemone Question


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So i picked up my first anemone about two weeks ago. I've always wanted one and i found a very big one for the right price. I picked up a GBTA for my 75 gallon. Well, for the first week it was essentially anemone PMSing. It would go from decent looking to a the point where it looked like it was going to die. Well this week i started feeding it raw table shrimp soaked in Selcon and WOW. I've fed it half a raw shrimp for the last 3 days and it has gotten HUGE.. It seems to be more inflated then ever, and it seems to be holding itself upright on the rock now instead of just laying there. I would say that it is probable about 8 inches long now.. The only thing i'm worried about it there doesn't seem to be a lot of "tentacles" around the mouth of it. there aren't any within the 1" from the mouth. is this something to be worried about? Should I try feeding something else more nutritious? and any tips on how to get my clowns to host it? i know my clowns are tank-bred (thanks James Cook :D) so they probably won't, but i'll try anything :p.. anyway thanks for the help guys, if you need any other information please ask :D
Pictures would help as far as the Anemone is concerned.

Two things at play with the clowns, first bubble tips are not nature anemones that host them. Second, they like you said are tank bred and because of which they likely have never come in contact with Anemones before. Give them time and let them figure it out on their own. FWIW I have 15 tank bred clowns and they all eventually went to the Anemones.
What kind of clowns? The above statement towards your clowns hosting BT was under the assumption they were Ocellaris, not sure why I assumed that.