anemone question


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Hey Guys,

pretty new to ARC so if I posted this in the wrong spot I apologize. I just got a package of herms and snails from an online store, and they sent me a free anemone in the box. I investigated first, he didn't smell and his tents were still pretty sticky so i plopped him in. He stuck down with in 30 minutes and hasn't moved an inch in 4-5 days. He opens wide and almost never closes, and he has eaten some mysis shrimp I spot fed him. My question to you pros, what kind of nem do I have??? Is he poisonous to my fish or corals? he seems fine but tips for this guy would be awesome!

Tank Details:
30G Rimless JBJ
Nitrates 5ppm
Nitrates 0ppm
Ammonia 0ppm
PH 8.0-8.2

Here's a pic or two, I couldn't really capture him in a photo:" alt="" />
[IMG]" alt="" />
I can't se the pics but rule of thumb is nems are toxic to coral and fish. If the fish gets in it or if a coral gets too close, it can kill them.

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sorry pics didn't come out and couldn't find the edit button haha
Looks like maybe a rock flower nem? I could be wrong though.

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I'd say it's a flower anemone. Looks a bit bleachy.

If it's in a spot that fills its needs, it won't move around - but it can. Lack of it moving around is not a problem if it is opening and eating.

It can sting - so can most corals. Smart critters stay away.

Hey guys,

just an update....the nem has been doing wonderfully and living up a storm which is great news.

Downside I went to the ARC Expo and saw alllll the beautiful rock flower nems there. Mine is still incredibly bleached and I am losing hope that it will ever regain any sort of color.

Is there anything I can do to help it regain its color, or is all hope lost and I am stuck with an awesome blueish white rock flower nem?
I don't know their are such things as white flower anemones.
It does look pretty bleached to me - best way to have it recover is to target feed it a variety of foods (i.e. not just mysis but perhaps Rods, cyclopeeze or pellets as well), as it's not getting much via photosynthesis are the moment. If you can, you might want to move the rock it's on to a slightly less brightly lit spot or put a bit of screening over the top of the tank above it in order to let it get used to the lighting on your tank.

But basically if it's planted its foot strongly, isn't sliming excessively and is open & feeding with a decent reaction time then it's at least healthy. Just bleached... might take a few months to recover.
BulkRate;957045 wrote: It does look pretty bleached to me - best way to have it recover is to target feed it a variety of foods (i.e. not just mysis but perhaps Rods, cyclopeeze or pellets as well), as it's not getting much via photosynthesis are the moment. If you can, you might want to move the rock it's on to a slightly less brightly lit spot or put a bit of screening over the top of the tank above it in order to let it get used to the lighting on your tank.

But basically if it's planted its foot strongly, isn't sliming excessively and is open & feeding with a decent reaction time then it's at least healthy. Just bleached... might take a few months to recover.

It came to me free of charge in a coral pack i bought off some random online retailer. It was this bleached when i got it unfortunately, but the way i thought about it is it can only get better from here so i dropped it in the tank.

At first it was planted in the back of the tank and underneath a rock completely out of the light. He stayed there about 2-3 weeks. It has since moved to this spot where it has been for the better part of 2 months. I have tried to move/remove him but he is planted so strong I am afraid Ill hurt him if I try to move his foot.

He is definitely eating and hasn't ever slimed (that i have seen). He gets really big when the lights are on and seems pretty happy.

I will give it a go target feeding some other types of food because right now all he gets is mysis. I also spot feed reef chili to my corals 3 times a week, could he benefit from this too? I have pellets too so Ill try all the suggestions and feed him a variety of foods. When it comes to feeding him when is it too much, and how often?
It it has moved there over time on its own, then that's where it wants to be from a flow & lighting perspective. Leave it alone then & thanks for the back history!

As for target feeding? A light dusting of the other foods should be fine, although it's probably getting some of it anyways when the pumps come back on from feeding your other livestock. Maybe every 2-3 days, unless someone more knowledgeable feels like chiming in.

Now some rock flowers do have white coloration, but it's usually in stripes and patterns, not all-over... hence the guesses about bleaching.
Here is a thread on RC about "white" anemones. I have to confess that I did not read through the entire thing but sounds like a good discussion on the topic.
