Anemone vs Candy Cane


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So I was out of town and I got a call from a friend who was watching my tank. Turns out the water level on my biocube got low, and the pump started spitting bubbles into the tank; this upset my RBTA, who then proceeded to relocate to right next to a candy cane (just 3 heads) after a day of wandering. Long story short, they duked it out and the candy cane lost badly, and the RBTA is suffering some pretty serious battle scars and still has fragments of the CC's angry innards stuck to its tentacles. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm seeing some really withered looking tentacles and the anemone is pretty shriveled. His mouth is not gaping open though, so I'm hopeful.

Any input is appreciated! Thanks guys.
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(Btw, my orange rhodactis is splitting like crazy; it's gone from 1 head to 5 in the last two months. Hoping to offer some for FreeFragFriday soon.)
Could you gently blow off the CC tentacles with a turkey baster or give the Rbta a little more flow to free itself?
With its mouth open I'd also try to feed it, not force just offer it.
Good luck!