Anenome and Lighting


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Normally this is a question Id like to ask for my tank but Ponies = no Anenomes allowed :(

But...On smaller tanks, 30 and less what do you think would be minimum lighting for a BTA. Im not talking about the "Best" conditions but what you have seen work WITHOUT hurting the animal? Compacts 50/50, T5 etc.

Maybe broken down:

30 Gallons XX wattage with XX Bulbs

25 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

20 "" "" ""

15 "" "" ""

10 "" "" ""
dawgdude;132643 wrote: I have kept an anemone with success under the following situations.

16g bow with 70w halide
90g with 2x250 HQI 14k Ushio and 2x54w T-5's
29g with 250w SE Hamilton 14k (it didnt grow but it didnt shrink)
12g Nano cube with 96w PC
29g with 4x24w T-5's

I have had them die under these circumstances
29 gallon with 65w pc (my first tank, we all had one of these where you look back and cringe)
29g with 150w HQI stock Coralife bulb

Perfect info!!
Jeff.mcphail;132649 wrote: Do bubble tips require more lighting than carpets?
I was under the impression carpets needed more....Im sure someone will chime in...
My first tank was a 20long with 130watts of PC and I kept a BTA for a year in there. He never lost his color or his bubble tips, but he also never split.
it is not my rbta it is a friends and go to member tank pictures and look for terence wallers 75g
i have a gbta in a 12 gal aquapod and its very healthy i havent even done a water change in over a month but i feed only once every three days not sure how many watts but not many its all the way on the top of the rock work though