Anenome Help


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OK, I bought a small (2") RBTA yesterday. I acclimated him and put him in the tank, and by yesterday evening he was opening up already.

Over night he moved to the bottom corner of the back glass, and seems content to stay there. He's not getting much light.

I can't feed him very easily where he is now because of his location. Should I just leave him be and hope that he eventually moves toward brighter light?

Leave him be... As my son tells me often, "It is not going to committ suicide. stop fussing and leave him alone." :) Seriously though. They will move around a bit at first until they find a spot they like. I would just do your best at feeding and trust me if he gets hungry he will change spots. All you can do is make sure your water quality is good and lighting is available. He will seek what he needs.
Well, the anenome has been in the tank for 5 days now. He has set up shop at the far bottom of the tank where the glass meets the sand, way in the back behind the rocks.

He seems to be happy there even though he does not get much light.

Anything I can do to "encourage" him to move somewhere where I can actually SEE him?

If you are content with where the anemone is, I would just leave it..If not then pry it out and place the anemone where you want. Be sure to place rocks all around the location to make it feels secure.

I nocticed my anemones don't really like much bright light. So if you can place it on the side, it will minimize the chance of moving again.
I let mine go where they want....they'll find a happy place and when they want something different they'll move....
Turkey baster shot at his feet until he lets go...then move to where you like...put a circle of rock around his feet for the security blanket...
Who said I was good for nuttin.....Oh yeah....wife j/k....Really does work though
Well, I got him off the back wall, re-aquascaped a little and made a nice little "cave" for him where he could get varying amounts of light.

He stayed there for about 8 hours. The next morning he had moved underneath a ledge where he is in dark shadow. I'm wondering if he is just not used to having so much light. I'm going to leave him be and see what happens.

Thanks for all the advice.
I was going to wish you luck but I didnt want to make a useless comment (dakota) lol

Im sure i'll be cool