Anenomne in my Vortech......Help!!!!!


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The title says it all, what do I do now? I can't tell if the nem is dead or alive. It looks intact and I do not see debris in the tank.

Any advice is appreciated. The PW is unplugged now.
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Leave the pump off overnight and it will crawl out enought for you to rescue it, just because pieces have been torn off doesn't mean it will die. If the cover can be taken off and places in the rocks where you would like it to stay you can try that too. Good luck to both of you!:D
So does that mean the nem is not dead? The boot looks intact to me but it's hard to tell. When I have read about similar things it always seems to be the tenticles in the PH. I'm clueless as to why the boot seems to be in it.
It should be fine, one of my nems crawled up the side of my tank near my vortech before I went out of town a few weeks ago so I turned off the vortech and left since I didn't have time to deal with it. Once I got home a few days later, I noticed the same nem was missing so I started looking around for it. Come to find out it crawled half way into my overflow box and got beat to poop. It was all torn up and deflated looking. As I tried to pull it out of the overflow box, it broke into two pieces and one of the smaller piece fell into the overflow box. I managed to pull it out of the box and remove the other piece from the rim of the overflow as well. I placed both of them in the back of the tank by some rocks and within the first night, the bigger piece attached itself to the rock and started to heal. The smaller piece took a few days but it too healed and attached to a rock. So now I have 2 of them instead of 1 (well 4 nems now included my other 2). You'd be amaze at how much punishment these nems can take. You should check out the BRS video where they took a nem and cut it up in like 4 pieces and they all healed within a day and became 4 nems.
It was worse than I thought. The boot did not appear deflated because of the twisting from the power head. I'm sure it's toast, time will tell.

Thanks for the replies, I'll try the zip tie cover for sure .
Acroholic;950584 wrote: I just read this DIY below. Hope it helps you."></a>[/QUOTE]

That is awesome! Very nice find and share! Thx man i dnt have news but good to know if i decide to get one!
My Nem got in my mp10 after I moved my tank. I somehow lost the covers Vortech provided. It was so much worse than yours. Yours will be fine if nothing eats it while its healing.
I put mine in a nano to heal (so the clowns didn't beat it to death) but didn't think about hermits. They attacked it. I removed everything with a mouth and snuggled it into hole in a rock. Gave it a low flow and low light. Then I called Egcotech in a panic because I had another one and with it being in a new flow/lighting area I was afraid it would move as well. They over nighted me 12 covers FREE!!
A few months later after it healed and was about 5" it went down my overflow. I was away from home for several days. While I was gone it got totally overdosed (tank care taker) with vodka. I found it when I came home and went to cleaning my filter sock. I dumped it in my sink under hot running tap water and had no idea it was even in there it was so small I didn't even no what it was. After inspection I FREAKED and it went back to the same nano tank. Today almost 4 months later its at least 8" wide across.
The picture is after I dumped it out of the filter sock. It was the size of my thumb.
The covers from Vortech are a pain and collect debris but I will never go without them again.
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It was finished off by someone overnight, not sure who.

Thanks for all of the help guys. I'm still baffled as to how it even got up there. I have a 90 and the ned had to get up the side of the tank about 14 inches.
Oh man!!! Was my post to late? Was afraid that would happen when someone said put it in the rocks :( so sorry!
rk4435;950821 wrote: It was finished off by someone overnight, not sure who.

Thanks for all of the help guys. I'm still baffled as to how it even got up there. I have a 90 and the ned had to get up the side of the tank about 14 inches.

Once they dislodge if the flow gets them it carries them around.