Angel fish question


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Hello everybody I'm new to the saltwater community I have a 55 gallon setup with about 100 lbs of live rock and I have
2 ocellaris clowns
1 hipp tang
1 yellow tang
1 sailfin tang
2 purple anthias
1 mandarin goby
2 chromis
3 cleaner shrimp
10 misc crabs
1 coral beauty
I'm lookin to add a koran angel but the lfs guy told me the coral beauty and the koran would fight,anyone have this problem?
PFCDeitz;896666 wrote: Yeah. I think it's time to upgrade or start removing.

I have a 125 freshwater I'm in the process of selling all of the fish so I can convert to salt the 55 was a starter(testing the water)
Yea you are running out of room fast my friend!

To answer your question though, if you added them at the same time it might be ok but because the CB has setup territory already it would be trouble. Especially in a tank that size!
Whoever is advising you regarding your stocking choices is giving terrible advice. Your tank is much to small to house several of the fish you currently have. Those tangs need much</em> larger tanks. Also, the mandarin needs an established source of copepods or amphipods on which to feed. The purple anthias, are they tukas? If so, those are considered expert only fish.

If you can upgrade to your 125 gallon tank this will buy you some time. However, the hippo and sailfin will still need a larger tank than that eventually. Please do the best thing for your fish and buy livestock that is suitable for the environment you can currently provide, not one you may upgrade to at a later time.

Good luck with your tank.
Yup, listen to Stacy22. She knows from experience. You can tell by her avatar. I mean she tried to put a cat in a goldfish bowl and we can all see how that turned out. hehehehehe But time you started coming back around Stacy.
Curtismaximus;896694 wrote: Yea you are running out of room fast my friend!

To answer your question though, if you added them at the same time it might be ok but because the CB has setup territory already it would be trouble. Especially in a tank that size!

Ok thanks

stacy22;896747 wrote: Whoever is advising you regarding your stocking choices is giving terrible advice. Your tank is much to small to house several of the fish you currently have. Those tangs need much</em> larger tanks. Also, the mandarin needs an established source of copepods or amphipods on which to feed. The purple anthias, are they tukas? If so, those are considered expert only fish.

If you can upgrade to your 125 gallon tank this will buy you some time. However, the hippo and sailfin will still need a larger tank than that eventually. Please do the best thing for your fish and buy livestock that is suitable for the environment you can currently provide, not one you may upgrade to at a later time.

Good luck with your tank.
yes I'm in the process of selling all of my fw fish and I do have a good supply of copods maybe 1000 or so thanks for the advice

rdnelson99;896751 wrote: Yup, listen to Stacy22. She knows from experience. You can tell by her avatar. I mean she tried to put a cat in a goldfish bowl and we can all see how that turned out. hehehehehe But time you started coming back around Stacy.

Yes I will that's why I'm askin ?'s I'm 8mths in and still learning and I have a lot more to learn
stacy22;896747 wrote: Whoever is advising you regarding your stocking choices is giving terrible advice. Your tank is much to small to house several of the fish you currently have. Those tangs need much</em> larger tanks. Also, the mandarin needs an established source of copepods or amphipods on which to feed. The purple anthias, are they tukas? If so, those are considered expert only fish.

If you can upgrade to your 125 gallon tank this will buy you some time. However, the hippo and sailfin will still need a larger tank than that eventually. Please do the best thing for your fish and buy livestock that is suitable for the environment you can currently provide, not one you may upgrade to at a later time.
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<u><span style="font-size: 13px">Good luck with your tank</span></u>.
