Another Live Rock Question..


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Hey guys, I have a Question for you all! As I stated in an earlier post, I purchased a Nano OG from a friend of mine who had basically just unplugged his system once his last fish died, and the tank sat dormant for about 3 months half full of water. After I bought the tank from him I purchased a DX instead, but I did reuse all the Liverock he had in the old tank. I scrubbed all the Rock down really good before putting it into the new tank, and I realize that this rock is probably no longer what would be considered LIVE rock.

This being said A couple of days ago I purchased a Piece of Fiji Live rock from my LFS that all kinds of life on it. The guy at the LFS said since I'm just starting to cycle my tank I should not do anything to this piece just put it straight in. I did this, and last night I saw a few signs of actual life on this rock, a couple clear bug like creatures and 2 Worms that look like centipedes (Bristleworms?). I know Bristleworms are no good for a system, but since I'm only cycling the system, should I leave them alone for now or should I try to catch them. I do plan on having a shrimp in there so should I just wait until I'm cycled and have him in there to get rid of these guys?
Most of the time bristle worms are fine. But there are a few that get big and wreak havoc in reef tanks. I have a few of them in mine. But for the most part they won't bother much. But if I'm wrong someone please correct me. Or help with a description of the bad worms to have.
No Billy is right... There are only a few bad worms out of the thousands that are in our tanks... Leave the bristleworms (if that is what they are) alone, IMHO.
OK Guys, sorry for jumping the gun with this question. I just did a search and read the posts that mostly state they are all fine, I did see a picture of the Fireworm, and that ios sort of what Both of them look like, but then again I may just be too worried. Next time I can get a shot at one, I'll shoot a Picture for a better ID. I can say the worm was a reddish color with Furry looking legs almost like a Catepillar more than a Centipede. Hair was a yellowish color if this helps.
Sounds like a pink/red bristle worm to me.. Touch it, see if it hurts! Shoot over a pic and we will take a look! ;)
I like my bristleworm(s). A nice pink one. Adds diversity in my tank, IMHO. In the nano, I think it's great because you can only add so much live stock so it's one more thing to watch at night.
I'll try and catch a picture tonight if I can! So guys should I have done anything to the rock before I put it in there, I've read diffrent things about rubbing it down to seed the other stuff in the tank?
All bristleworms are a type of fireworm or visa versa. The liklihood of you having a bad worm is going to be very very rare. I've only heard of a couple of instances online and its more urban legend than anything else. Some people actually PAY good money to put them in their tank. You got lucky and got some for free :).