Another pest????


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Man.... This is what I get from buying corals from several individuals to start my new tank...

Anyway ..... I keep seeing something on my sps that are about the size of a copepod, but they are clear and longer..... Like a centipede...

Not flat worm

Having trouble identifying

Help if yea can. Thanks

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Looks a lot like this

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Yea that's kinda what I was thinking.....
Here's a pic of a severely damaged birds nest

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Looking close trying to figure out what's going on.

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Frustrating because I've never had these issues in a decade of keeping sps!!! Grrrrrrr

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I doubt they're the root of the problem...just cleaning up the mess.
Yea.... I mean I have to have something in there......
I'll be getting a malanarus wrasse ASAP

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Is the frag glued onto the rock or is it on a plug? If it's on a plug, I would pull it at night and give it a dip and see what drops off.
That particular one has encrusted to the rock

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Alk is 9dkh 2 days ago. Should be the same.

Practice safe introduction? What? Only squares do that;)

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tough break man, same thing happened to me when I started back about a year ago. Seemed like one thing after another but it is finally going a lot smoother now. I have a nice size malanaurus who keeps pests at bay.
I'll be picking up a few wrasses today and some coral dip.

Most of my corals can be removed easily from the rock so I'll start dipping them twice a week a while until this gets under control.

about to head out on my adventure to the big city now
DawgFace;1050826 wrote: +1 Not pests imo

+2 IMO not pests in that pic. Doesn't mean you don't have pests. Blow the coral and see if anything comes off. Look for acro eating flat worm eggs at the base of acros. If it's not a pest then it is unlikely you'll be helping the coral via dip.

Wrasses aren't going to cure the problem. May help to a degree.

I religiously dip with Bayer and if possible remove the frag from the plug completely.
Ok. What's this? Another nudi? Also added a coris and melanarus wrasse today
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Maybe it was just trash stuck to it.....

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definitley water chemistry. or possibly a pathogen, but i doubt that one. you can tell by how the birdsnest is reacting.

what are your parameters?