I know there has been a ton of discussion in the past on skimmers. After looking at all the threads and some of the images, I am thinking that the Coralife I have in my sump for my 70G is not doing a very good job. I'm not getting near the bubble production I see in some other skimmer pics. I do get some scum in the collection tray but not as much as I think it should be producing. The bio load on my 70G is not that heavy and includes only small fish (PJ cardinals (3), Royal Gramma, Flame Angel, Gold-strip Maroon Glown and the Dragon Goby. The tank has been set up for about 7 months and the soft corals seem to be thriving. Here is my question, should I dump the Coralife for one of the better skimmers being discussed (although there is limited space in the sump so I need a small footprint skimmer) or is this skimmer not tuned correctly? Any feedback on the Coralife? It supposedly rated for up to 125G so probably not undersized for my set up. Thanks,