Another Snail ID Thread


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This evening after the lights went out I found half a dozen or more baby snails. They are so small that I can't get a good picture. I looked them up in the">Hitch Hikers Guide</a>, but I can't tell if they are Turbo Snails (I have a number of them) or Sun Dial snails (I hope not). Is there an easy way to tell when they are small like this? They have the rounder shell that is white with a light brown/gray tiger stripes.
I'm just wondering if I should pull all of them out or be thankful that I don't have to buy new snails.
It's a collonista snail. They are good snails. Like mini turbo snails or mini nerites. Very benefitial. I have a bunch in my tank and people that get my zoas usually get these and my rissoid snails as well. They seem to lay their eggs inbetween zoa polyps and hide out there during the day.
Thanks Jin and you are right. I found a pic this morning of them and was going to post my find, but you beat me to it. I am glad that they are collonista because I found more than 12. Thanks for the help yall.