Great to see this is posted, and that a few of y’all responded. I couldn’t positively ID anything (except for a lone common bristleworm).
He texted me, and I walked him through a few steps to take these photos. The first one showed all the white gunk in that crevice. He then used a pipette to blow away some of the gunk; that’s the second photo.
My analysis:
I didn’t see any Nudi’s nor eggs in the photo. These Nudis can be any shade from white to cream colored; so you’re all correct.
I suspect that a bunch of detritus collected in that crevice due to low flow. And that pile of gunk is what smothered and killed that portion of coral.
My recommendation:
Despite looking clear and good, I likewise informed him of the suspicion and requirement of always quarantining, especially if a suspicion exists, like in this case.
Anyways, those were my thoughts. I’m also interested in seeing what develops here.