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I was wondering if anyone has had any good experience with the smaller Anthias (<span style="color: black;">Dispar, Fathead/</span><span style="color: black;">Sunburst, </span><span style="color: #ff0000;">Longfin, etc)? Are the jumpers? I know it is recommended to feed them twice a day, but how well do they take to prepared/frozen food? Thanks yall.</span>
We had a large male that did two quick laps around a 20g Q/T tank when I put my hand in to adjust the PVC and then sailed out of the tank with a good 10 inches to spare.

I don't know if they have a habit of doing this on their own when undisturbed though. Someone better experienced with them could advise. I'd send a PM to
Sounds like I am going to avoid these guys. It's a shame because they are great looking fish, but something hits the floor in my house and it is in a dog's mouth in two seconds.
LiveRock27;160651 wrote: Sounds like I am going to avoid these guys. It's a shame because they are great looking fish, but something hits the floor in my house and it is in a dog's mouth in two seconds.

These are fish that, I believe, usually hang out in, around and near the rocks and can be a bit shy. I think ours may have just been startled in a new Q/T with very little cover, etc. Other reefers have much more experience and you should get more replies before you decide. Definitely beautiful fish, but not for beginners. We're probably going to hold off getting ours replaced until we know more about them.

Also, in my display tank, I keep it covered regardless. Just about any fish can take a notion to leap.
It is only a 55g. That is why I was looking at the small anthias and only having one of them.
Lyretails are easy to keep. Most of the other anthias are deepwater specimens and don't fare as well for the inexperienced.
4 lyretails would be a good fit... However I did have 4 cyclopse and 4 tukas in a 45 for over 10months....
So far all 4 of my lrtl anthias are doing great. They can be a little quarrelsome around feeding time. I have been feeding them frozen food with no problems so far.
I have 4 Lyras in my 120. They were all female when I ordered now I have a male and 3 girls. LOL. They eat flakes and get along great!
lyretails would be the best bet for you. OR, you could go with some wrasses. They are easier to keep, colourful and will school.

check out the
a>, I just ordered a school of them (12) and hoping that they look at least half as good as the pics :)