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I am breaking ground on my new house next month which means I’ve got the opportunity to get back in the hobby!  I’ve got about 6-8 months before it’s complete and ready to move in. I have a warehouse space that I want to set up a cheap system to start aging some live rock.  Does anyone have a link to a DIY system set up?  Would it help to lights the rock? Any information is greatly appreciated!!  Here’s a pic from my first tank years ago for attention. 
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Guess it all depends on what kind of rock you get. If you are wanting to create or keep live rock live then you want a heater and powerhead. If it is going to be half a year I wouldn't start that now. But may try to source dry rock. Then a couple months before the move put it in a brute with powerhead and heater and add some ammonia to get your bacteria going.

How big are you going in the new house?
I know you're excited, but id wait a little bit before starting to cook any rock (if thats what you're wanting to do). IMO I would simply just wait until  you can set it up in your new house and go from there. It always seems, no matter how much planning you do, SOMETHING goes wrong when you move stuff. Do it once and do it right IMO :) CONGRATS on getting back in by the way! Exciting!
The only way I'd start cooking rock now is if you where going to use any amount of dry Pukani or Fiji. Both have become in short supply and prices have shot up for them but it's still some of the best dry rock you can get. There is a lot of dried out organics in that type of rock and cooking for months ahead of time will save you down the road. If you're not going to use either of those type of rock waiting till you're 6 to 8 week out would be better.

But if you are going to use one or both of those then I couldn't think of a better place to cook it than a warehouse. The stink may piss people off in the warehouse but the wife will be happy ;)