Any feed back on Sequence ReefFlo pumps


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I am looking at the Sequence ReefFlo HammerHead 5800gph pump. I want somthing to handle upgrades in the future. Has anyone had any negative experiances with these pumps?
Their reputation is probably the best out there. They make a fine pump. Don't know how good their support is, but haven't ever heard anyone having a problem and using it either.
I run 2 hammerheads. They're fantastic. Great flow and very quiet (I run both in the living room).

As far as CS, couldn't tell you..I've never needed it.
I've always had fantastic service out of my sequence pumps (owned 4? now), and would highly recommend them.

I did have a SEQ5800 once, but ended up selling it. Unless you've got a SERIOUS need - I'm talking 30' of head or a 1000+g tank, I'd consider something smaller. It was WAY too much pump for my 240g tank + 100g sump with 16' head - I had nothing but problems with microbubbles. I suppose a bigger sump (2-300g) would take care of that. In any case - be aware that the 5800 is a huge pump, and may be too much for you. No complaints of the pump - it was just too</em> much...
I use a Reeflo Snapper as my only pump on my nano system. It is over sized for my system and provides enough flow for my two returns, a refugium, and a UV sterilizer with capacity to spare. If I opened the main valve all the way I'm confident that I could wash my car with saltwater while standing in my dining room! Mine is very quiet and pretty efficient too.

I think Marine Fish is a Sequence dealer.

Mine is hiding right behind the LiterMeter.
