Hello everyone I am 15 and have a 40 gallon breeder with two black clownfish and was curious if any one could help me out by recommending some fish live stock if so thank you so very much
I always have to recommend a bangai cardinal fish. Nice peaceful, hardy, unique looking, and pretty cheap fish. Great fish for beginner and anyone else.
I always have to recommend a bangai cardinal fish. Nice peaceful, hardy, unique looking, and pretty cheap fish. Great fish for beginner and anyone else.
Most fairy or flasher wrasses should be ok. A few of them get bigger or more aggressive than others, so just do a little reading before you buy. A pink-streaked wrasse or any of the possum wrasses would be great for your tank, since they are active but stay smaller than most others.
Leopard wrasses are a bit more complicated because they are prone to mouth damage from shipping and rely a lot on live foods (pods), so it's very important to make sure they look good before purchasing. They are exceptionally beautiful though!
You might also want to consider a royal gramma, many of the goby and blenny species, and a few of the dwarf angelfish types (such as the pygmy/cherub, the flame, and and the flameback). Dwarf angels sometimes will pick at or eat corals, clams, and sponges, so there's some risk involved.