Any Fish Recovery Success Stories?

linda lee

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There must be some success stories with so many knowledgeable reefers here, but I'm seeing a lot of sad stories lately.

Do you have a fish that was sick/infected/injured but managed to make a full recovery?

Please list:

~ type of fish/coral/invert
~ type of ailment (if known)
~ method of treatement (be specific)
~ length animal lived after treatment

Add a picture of the subject, if you have one.
ME ME...
My two clowns were infected with "I dont wanna go in an anemone" So I sprinkled them with Victor threats...All better now :)

Length of time? Took about 3 seconds and they were cured
tnyga;154585 wrote: ME ME...
My two clowns were infected with "I dont wanna go in an anemone" So I sprinkled them with Victor threats...All better now :)

Length of time? Took about 3 seconds and they were cured


..... poor Victor.....
I wish I could bottle it and sell it...

Victor Juice
Will cure all BUT Ich
Barbara;154602 wrote: Oooh, me! Me! Well, I have half a success story. I won 2 mated clowns (false percs). The day I brought them home I noticed they were both breathing heavy and opening and closing their mouths rapidly. A quick post came back with a general consensus of "gill parasites". Within 24 hours, I also noticed they had a hair-like string coming out of their butts. The general consensus on that was internal parasites. Here's my detailed post."></a>

The happy ending, which I will post in the old thread too, is that the male survived, started eating, and is now happily paired up with the next door neighbor's female clownfish that I gave her 3 years ago! They are already buddies and swim around together always.[/QUOTE]
I remember the went above and beyond
my coral beauty angel had ich and brook at the same time

i used metronadozale with focus fixed in 3 days.

for pics go to my tanks thread.
i've dealt with quite a few fish with HLLE. it tough to get their skin to grow back.

gut loaded with phyto live brine and a constant source of nori is helping but the "change" is VERY slow.
Rescued a YT from this dude who had it in green water. Poor fish, his fins were completely tore up or rotted away, skinny as can be! And the front part of his face, was completely see thu, you could see his blood vessels! Poor guy. He actually almost died on me, came home to him laying on the bottom of the tank barely breathing. Did water changes every 3 days, feed garlic enriched foods and nori all the time. He bounced back after a few weeks and is now living life in Merlins tank. I'm glad Merlin came along to give this guy the life he deserved, I felt horrible for this guy! But now he's fat, happy and very healthy. Didn't dose any medicines, just fed heavily, did lots of water changes and hoped for the best.
I've heard to feed this or that, but what if a fish refuses to eat?

Also, I've heard that running Ozone helps. Myth, fiction or opinion?

UV Sterilizer helps? Myth, fiction or opinion?
Linda Lee;154718 wrote: I've heard to feed this or that, but what if a fish refuses to eat?

Also, I've heard that running Ozone helps. Myth, fiction or opinion?

UV Sterilizer helps? Myth, fiction or opinion?

ozone will give you sterilized water which IMO, is better than "dirty" water. Considering the increase in quality of water, i'd imagine it would help.

UV... this is a long debated story about proper usage and all that. to be honest, it'll have very minimal effects as far as disease control/prevention is concerned.

i have yet to find a fish who can refuse live brine.
Got a quick success story. Came home and found my 2 year old candy hogfish had gone carpet surfing. He was probably seconds a way from being totally stiff. I saw him take one gulp of air. Quickly scooped him in my net and moved him around in the water for a few minutes. He seemed to be in that dreaded death spiral but, slowly started moving;still disoriented and swimming erratically. He sunk behind some rocks for the night. With my flashlight i could see he was breathing. By the next day he was out swimming again. He is one of my favorite fish. He is doing just fine! Man, did I feel great for saving him .
My exquisite wrasse got a large gash on its side from one of my tangs. The gash got infected and the fish couldn't swim straight but it would still eat. I took it out and QT'd it with antibiotics. Soon thereafter it got better and its back in the display now.
My best friend was in town a while back and I let him sleep in my room (where the aquarium was). Well about 2 or 3 minutes after he turned out the light he heard a splash and then something flopping around on the floor. He quickly turned on the light and picked my diamond goby up off the floor and threw him back in. He was scared to death!! He sounded like a little girl telling the story but I was glad he heard the fish jump out.
about 2.5 years ago, almost all of my fish had ICH. My clowns & especially my Yellow Tang were near death. The tang also had H&L disease.

1. bought a UV
2. massive water changes
3. used Ruby Reef Kick Ich (5-Nitroimidazoles) for 2 treatment totaling 6 weeks

All fish made it that were alive at the start of the treatment, & I have never had ich since.

Corals were near death due to high nitrates (2 times) especially phosphates. I just went aggressive and changed my media every 2 weeks and added 2 small fuges.