Any luck w/ PBTs???


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I was wondering if any of you guys had any success/success rate of powder blue tangs. I know they are kinda finnicky, but I have been drooling over them for about two years. They are kinda pricey, but I don't mind if I'm gonna get something that will last; just don' twanna blow my $$$ on something that's gonna last a week!
From what I have heard and seen, they get ich very easy when stressed. Kinda like a Blue hippo. But aside from that they are suppose to be pretty good community fish once they get settled in.
I have kept powder blue's for years. The current one has been in my tank for about a year now, with no problems. The last for over three, before a power outage in the middle of winter took him out...He lasted through two moves as well, one long distance.

I have never been able to keep an achilles. I have only tried once and he died from ich within a week after I got him. I have always wanted to try again, but I have never seen a good, healthy fish for sale at the right time.

My advise would be to shop very carefully and only buy very healthy, colorful fish with no signs of always.

Good Luck! Keep us posted
YEh, I have an achilles that's been around for about 8 months I guess. The trick is to get a healthy specimen that eats well, then keep it from getting ich. That is best acheived by quarintine, good nutrition, and my 57W UV has helped alot too.
I bought one from SWC about 5 months ago. He has been a model citizen and is the most beautiful fish i have. I dont pay much attention to the water parameters , i do a 25g water change every month. When i first got him he had ich but i took care of that with garlic gaurd. I must have gotten lucky because he is very hearty and friendly. I recommend you buy one and give it a shot. Good luck bra!
I had one for around three months I loved this fish!.....he was doing great until I added another fish. Apperently the PBT didnt like the new addition and so he went on a "hunger strike", after which he quickly developed ick and passed on.
Yeah, good point, the one thing about PBT is that they really should be added last. They can get upset when you add other fish, even non-acanthurus types. My Achilled is pretty well behaved, but gives almost every new addition at least a little grief. He fought my big yellow tang for about 10 minutes until the YT put a dent in his head. Then they were pals.
We had a pb and he lived for 3 weeks- he was eating and everything, got along with everyone.. then died out of the blue. No visible signs of trauma or anything..

We haven't bought another one yet- too much money to have them die.