Any reason why it died?


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My second flame angel died yesterday (first guy committed suicide) after spending 4mos without any issues in my tank.....Im wondering if there is something that I haven't thought of that may have killed it?

As far as I can tell, he was eating well up until the day before he croaked....all my parameters are in line, every other fish looks great, really I have no idea but obviously something killed it.......only predator in the tank is a small emerald. Corals are going nuts in my tank growth wise, Ive actually been keep ing up with water changes and suddenly yesterday, the flame is dead.....

Do they have any special diet requirements or something that maybe he wasn't getting?
sorry to here that man beautiful fish shouldnt have died maybe just old age
maybe but I dont think thats it because you have looked at me before and every time you do i see a twinkle in your eye
seriously tho, were there any scrapes, holes or any wounds on the fish?
Watching this thread with interest, since I'm finally picking up my pair of flame angels this weekend. Although I got a great deal from Tim, these are still not cheap fish.

Hoping anyone with knowledge about flame angels will respond to this thread. Jorge, I'm So very sorry about your loss (fish deaths bug me in a BIG way), but hopefully you can figure out the cause and others can learn.
Smaller fish are more prone to kicking over from what I have read. If your other fish are fine and your corals are good, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you start having mass die off, then start looking for the cause. If he was small, I would look at some other fish harrassing him to death, but otherwise take a wait and see approach.
Thanks Linda.....this one does sting quite a bit...especially since its my favorite fish and the second one of these that dies in my tank (first one killed itself).

Thanks Cam....I am not too worried about i because exactly like you said, everyone else is kicking butt in the tank. But I never saw him get picked on the 4mos i had him....Thats why I'm thinking it may have been dietary, maybe he just wasn't getting enough.

And're ugly.
I agree with Cam. One thing is the use of cyanide to catch the fish. The effects of that poisen might not show themselves for months and usually are pretty hard to pinpoint. That COULD BE one cause.

I do not feed mine anything special, just a well balanced diet.
I just came home to find mine dead. He had been playing shy for a couple of days. I got a foxface on Monday for algae. I wonder if he killed it. Had the Flame for a couple of months, Been doing great?
Didn't mean to steal the thread. I was just wondering if flames need something special ie.. diet, chemistry. Or did something in our tanks knock them off. Are they just short lived?
no worries're not stealing this thread at fact that's exactly what i was wondering....sorry about your fish man....that really is a tough one to me they are probably in my top 5 of aquarium fish.
Xyzpdq0121;108089 wrote: I do not feed mine anything special, just a well balanced diet.

Someday, you WILL share your secret fish-food recipe.
Xyzpdq0121;108089 wrote:

I do not feed mine anything special, just a well balanced diet.

Well, for most of us, that would be special...