Any suggestions on fish for a 20long?


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Right now I have a Coral Beauty Angel, a chocolate chip star, a peppermint shrimp (which i have seen only once, he hides 24-seven),and some small blue hermits. Suggestions of fish and corals would be great. I will probably be getting rid of the star fish so that it wont interfere with the corals. All information is greatly appreciated.

camden goddard
Good call on the starfish that bad boy gotta go. I a shrimp/goby pair would be cool, maybe a clown of some sort. As far as corals it depends on your light what are u running?
20l you are looking at some nano-fish. A variety of gobies do well (Clown, Hectors, Neon, Yellow Watchman), firefish, some clowns or a couple blennies. The cardinalfish does well in small tanks as well.
looking at a new 30" t-5 fixture, hoping for that for my birthday.
If you get the T5s you can pretty much keep any coral you want assuming it will fit in your tank
any suggestions on my first corals that would be easy for a beginner? had the tank running for a year.
Mushrooms, green star polyps (GSP), most leathers, some zoos. I would start with these. They are all pretty cheap as well so if any die you won't be out a bunch of $$$$$$.
You can also add a pair of small clowns to your tank if you want. Maybe a pair of False Percs. Just make sure one is larger than the other.
here's my opinions

Fish: (I would only add, at most, three more fish)
Royal Gramma
Sixline Wrasse
False Percs
Watchman Goby w/ Pistol Shrimp
Clown Goby
Firefish Goby

Corals: (you could add a diverse mix with that shallow of a tank and T5 lighting)
Maze Brain

These are only my opinion and only if the rest of the system is capable of sustaining these creatures