Any Tricks on Keeping Anemone out of Overflow?


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I have had my RBTA for about 4 weeks now. The first 3 he was in hiding under a rock. He has been out for about 4 days now and twice gotten caught in my overflow. Luckily I caught it in time both times. Any suggestions??
Wire mesh around overflow......if all else! J/K

They do love to wonder around. Good luck!
Sure, take some gutter guard and attach it to the top of your overflow, to prevent the anemone from going into the overflow, kinda like adding a fence to your overflow.

I added some to mine, b/c there was a small gap between the return line and the side of the overflow, enough of a gap for a small, unlucky fish to make his way into my overflow. Just zip-tied it in place using the teeth of the overflow.

If you can't find black gutter guard anywhere, let me know, b/c I have alot of extra lying around.
they sell plastic mesh at michaels (arts and craft stores) that is used with embroidery and its super cheap, something like $0.50 for an 8x8 sheet. Plus its plastic so you dont need to worry about metal in your tank.
Thanks! When using mesh, is there still a problem of them getting stuck to the overflow but not sucked in?
the mesh I'm talking about has very small holes, I'ld say its about 1/4" or a lil smaller. That would make it impossible for an anemone to get thu it.