Anybody bringing Cheato to the meeting

I'll be bringing some cheato to the meeting.

Also if anyone has a refugium with a confirmed population of mysid shrimp:

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I'd love to get a sample. Mine died off when I moved the refugium and didn't come back.
I'll be bringing several bags of Chaetomorpha, and Red Gracilaria and Feather Caulerpa. Might be some Grape Caulerpa mixed in also. All my macro in my refug is growing like mad and full of critters!! And yours only for $5 a bag. I need to recoupe some $ after buying corals this coming weekend in Chattanooga!
There will be no shortage of Cheato. I just checked my fuge and the mass (or as I like to call it the "V'Ger Cheato Cloud") is nearly eclipsing the bottom of the 25g tank it's in and it's nearly a foot deep. So expect the better part of a basketball-sized array of cheato in bags.
I'll be bringing some cheato to the meeting. It'll have some mysis shrimp in it and maybe a tiny bristle worm or two to boot. ;)