Anybody have some Reef Caviar?


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Roswell, GA
With Nutramar coming back into stock ("in the next two weeks") pretty much a myth and my mandarin proving to only like that food the race is on yet again to find a replacement before the last section of the last pouch is gone. That or get used to having a hatchery running every couple days for BBS.

Supposedly H2O Life Reef Caviar is a very close stand-in for mandarins & pipefish.

Do any of you routinely mail order it and be willing to sell/trade a few cubes? (or know of a store in the ATL area that carries it) I'd rather see if the fish'll accept it before buying $30-40 worth of food to have added to the pile of other unsuccessful prospectives in the freezer.
go to the farmers market and ask where the fish roe is. Not even kidding, I put 3 different kinds in my food mix.
Going the harvest-it-myself route I've tried blue crab roe - everything in the tank goes nuts for it, but the mandarin again proves her finickiness. In fact I'm still working on training her onto it because it gets hoovered up by just about every other critter in the tank and most of my corals have started begun to bud out since switching over to it in place of cyclopeze. Also have tried rinsed masago (flying fish roe) which gets her hunting around, but not actually pecking away at it.

Reef Caviar's been mentioned on a few fora as a respectable stand-in for Nutramar specifically by people keeping this %&^&%#!! beautiful fish. On the other hand I JUST found my thought-to-be-lost sample bottle of Dr. Eco's Egg Brew from the expo in the back of the fridge - so that's another possibility that suddenly I have on hand.