Someone offered the loan of a trap once before, but I can't remember whom.
Not going to try a cleaner shrimp of any kind on the predatory fish, sooooo.... need to catch these evasive (and darned quick) swimmers to dip and hospitalize. Will return trap poste-haste.
(Checked with Stevhan @ IFB regarding possibly ordering some scarlet cleaner shrimp for Pablo-The-Picasso triggerfish, and he pretty much said no-way-Jose-don't-even-THINK-about-doing-it.)
This is one guy in the selling biz that we really trust, so we will heed his advice.
Not going to try a cleaner shrimp of any kind on the predatory fish, sooooo.... need to catch these evasive (and darned quick) swimmers to dip and hospitalize. Will return trap poste-haste.
(Checked with Stevhan @ IFB regarding possibly ordering some scarlet cleaner shrimp for Pablo-The-Picasso triggerfish, and he pretty much said no-way-Jose-don't-even-THINK-about-doing-it.)
This is one guy in the selling biz that we really trust, so we will heed his advice.