Anyone ever had problems with Amquel?

miami dolfan

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I tested the water and had a little ammonia, nitrites and nitrates were on the high side so I had heard that Amquel clears the tank of this. I dosed the tank and everything was fine. My amemones were huge, my coral was all open and all was well. Next day, water was getting cloudy, nems were closing, coral was retracted but fish were ok. 3rd day, nems are nowhere to be found and have moved somewhere to the back, water is super cloudy, corals have not recovered, but water parameters are excellent. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites or nitrates, PH 8.1 and salinity is at 1.026. I don't get it.What could have caused this? I will try a water change today and hope everyone recovers. I am bumming big time!:shout:
Did you use Amquel+ or the original?
Water change and carbon packs may help. Amquel does not affect nitrates only ammonia, chlorine and chloramine.
Used regular. I have 2 pounds of activated charcoal and 6 bags of Chemi-pure in the sump. Do you think they will recover or should I take em out? My galaxia is down to the skeleton, but don't know if it's just hiding like my frogspawn and hammers. The bottle says there is no overdosing but I used a 1/4 gal for my 300. Majorally bumming at the moment. My Nems were huge and beautiful. Bottle was about 2 years old, but sealed and never used.
I don't think it was quite a 1/4 gallon but it was close and because it said that overdosing wasn't an issue I didn't think it would be a problem not to dose without measuring. Will do a 100 gal change this afternoon and post the results. Thanks!
Cloudy might be a bacterial bloom which will suck out most of the oxegen eventually. And crash your system. Be careful. Water change will help. Make sure power heads are breaking surface of water!
Ralph, why would this happen only after using the Amquel? This has never happened to me before after using this product. Thanks for the info. And all fish, inclusing the yellow tang are just fine, I hope the nems recover, but I doubt it.
Amquel did remove the nitrites and nitrates, but for some reason clouded my water and all coral closed up. Nems still MIA.
Thanks DR. Tank is getting clearer after the water change and coral appears to be still there but retracted. Hoping they will come out tomorrow. Nems look pretty beat up, but still clinging to life.
****...that absolutely sucks. Sorry to hear about the issues. Water changes..quick!
I have never liked these kinds of products. I dosed a similar product, i believe brightwells version, and i had 4 rtnd acroporas 8hrs later. I will never use it or anything like it again. I know many use them without problems but I have heard of many situations where they kill many corals. Anyways WC's should be your best bet. Good luck.
Tank Update: ALL Corals except for a mighty toadstool gone. Nems are still MIA. Outlook of them having survived is Grim. Fish are doing well, tank cleared up after water change. Even sifting starfish was pulverized. Wondering if i had Amquel or acid in the gallon. Anyway, I have to start from scratch again with you all and your frags. There went $550 down the toilet. I really miss the Nems!! Thanks for all your posts.