anyone ever heard of a peppermint shrimp eating a coral?

I think I remember reading somewhere that peppermint shrimp might munch on corals from time to time. Don't hold me to that though. I've never noticed mine eating corals.
I read the same thing on Reefcentral about them munching on polyps. A rarity though.
I had 2 pepp shrimp for my aptasia, and when they ate all 3 of the aptasia they demolished my yellow polyps and some orange zoo's. Back to the LFS they went.
Wierd...I must have a very tame pep shrimp. I've got galaxea, zoos, yellow colony polyps, etc. and it never bothers any of them. He's a huge pain during coral feeding time. He steals mysis shrimp from the corals like a squirrel stuffing acorns in its mouth. It's crazy how much one little shrimp can put down.
Well, all animals with some respect are "opportunistic" as I call them. Sure if they are hungry and there isnt any food that they want then its eat your nieghbor or starve. If they are low on food they will find something to eat. Some could have just developed a taste for this.
Yes I have heard about pep shrimp eating some corals. It does happen. If you dont have any Aptasia in your tank I would suggest removing them. There are other shrimp that are more reef friendly than Pepermint shrimp.