Anyone ever use a PowerSweep 228 Powerhead?


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I'm setting up a 75gal RR tank and I have a question for the group. I would like to end up with some SPS and LPS. I will be using a Mag 9.5 for my return and I'm trying to make a decision about what powerheads to use. I've been looking at a couple of the PowerSweep 228(s). Has anyone used any of these and what has been your experience with them?


ive heard nothing but bad news about powersweeps, ive heard that they stop sweeping rather quickly due to calcium build up, look into some seio's ive heard much better things about them.
glad you asked first, I bought a couple for my first 29 tank a while back. They work real well for a day or two then nothing but problems trying to get em to move. I gave up on trying to get them to sweep after having to tear em apart every couple days and just used em as regular power heads. I finally got so frustrated with them that I threw both of them in the trash. Please look at another way to get your flow, Dawgdude is right on in his suggestions.
I have had some, and they worked fine for me. Every once in a while they would lock up and not sweep anymore. I have since removed them but I keep hearing that lots of ppl had probs with them. I guess I was just lucky.
I as well had problems. They work for about a day and then stop. Also the little flow director on the end really does nothing and the flow coming out of the thing just goes everywhere. IMO - they are terrible. Also I cannot think of anything good that Zoo Med makes for aquariums. They have great lizard and frog stuff.
Thanks everyone for your quick replies. From everyone's response, I will stay away from this type of powerhead.

Thanks again

IMO most powerheads that move like this will stop working pretty quick because of the harsh salt water conditions and the Calcium build up.
had one. You have to clean it all the time otherwise it stops "sweeping".
Skriz wrote: had one. You have to clean it all the time otherwise it stops "sweeping".

That appears to be the consesus. I'm going to try another route with the powerheads.

Thanks everyone

Great,.. just bought one of these today. They look so cool though. Oh well guess I will run it untill I get fed up with
piznac wrote: Great,.. just bought one of these today. They look so cool though. Oh well guess I will run it untill I get fed up with

Very quickly, package it up and take it back with a warm,polite, smile.
Broreefr wrote: Very quickly, package it up and take it back with a warm,polite, smile.

LOL Exactly.. Flash your club card if they are a sponser and they might take it back easier! ;)

I just got in two of the Hydor rotators that I am going to try to plump into my closed loop.. Anyone know how much they waste flow? (GPH wise)
I have one of the Hydor's and I really dont see a waste in the flow. They fan it out a bit but I believe thats it. Blow threw it before you hook it up and you will feel no resistance.