Anyone ever used this?


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I have heard only blurbs on this product called Prodibio as an additive... I wanted to see if anyone had any first hand experience with it.

Link to product here:
I have been curious about this stuff as well. It is basically a collection of additives including a bacteria booster (Digest), trace elements (Trace), aminos and omega 3's (ReefBooster), iodine (Iodi+) and strontium (Stronti+).

The big difference with this stuff vs. other additives is the way it is packed. It is sealed in little vials with nitrogen. This seems to preserve the contents much better than traditional bottles and caps.">Prodibio Website </a>

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It seems to be more popular in Europe than here in the USA. There is a long
sammy33;50134 wrote: It seems to be more popular in Europe than here in the USA.

Ya this site: is the only place in the US you can get this stuff...

Seems the main advantage to using these additives is the potential for nicer colors and growth on corals?

Ummm I would say... it is true that the colors here:
Xyzpdq0121;50139 wrote: Ummm I would say... it is true that the colors here:"></a> are because of Prodibio then sign me up for a few cases and an SPS tank!!!![/QUOTE]

Iwan's tank is un-flippin-believable! :o

I have to admit that his tank was the inspiration that pushed me to do all T5 lighting on my 125g. Maybe...I will get close to what Iwan has achieved?
Brandon I use the several different products of theirs or have in the past. I can't say I have seen much either way. I have used Reef Booster, Bio Digest and Bioptim. If I would have keep to more of a regiment maybe I would have seen some results. I have some ampules left maybe I will try to get on a reg for a few weeks and see what happens.

I would get a starter back if the dude at Aqua Buys gets some in.

You can get it from Scott at
a> over in SC.  Scott has good service and since he is in SC you usually get it the next day.
I am wondering if it is more geared toward SPS.. but reading what is in it, it might be interesting to try for any tank...
I went through a ton of research on this product and ZEO back when I was starting out. I believe the BioDigest is just glucose. Table sugar will likely have a similar effect. As for the rest, some people swear by it others can't tell a difference. My opinion is that people who can follow the rigorous dosing schedule of these kinds of products are likely the ones that keep there skimmers super clean, stay on top of water changes, own top notch equipment, feed top notch food, etc. I am pretty convinced that stayiing on top of the maintenance is a big boost to the color and growth rate seen by these people moreso than a chemical additive. I am sure it does something, but $2.50 plus a week with nothing but subjective results and anecdotal evidence steered me away from it.
I'm not too sure what this adds, besides really snazzy packaging, that other supplements would not?
Marine Depot carries it too. Melev tried some in his tank, and said it really didnt make a difference. But sometimes, pictures cant be omitted, and I've seen some amazing european tanks that have run it. Whether its from the probidio or something else, that is up for debate, but it is impressive nonetheless. From what I understand it is a lot iof strains of diofferent things, including some pseudomonas species. I dont know if any of you know, but some psuedomonas are nasty critters, so it was enough to steer me away.