Anyone experience this?

seedless reefer

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So I have lots of red slime and green gunk that is on my sand.

I vacuumed it up but a day later there it is.

The other day I had my head inside my stand working on my fuge and looked up at the bottom of my display which I can see because the stand is open.

I notice that the area of my display which is directly over my fuge light is all red and green while the other part of my tank which gets no light is clean white sand.

I have since covered the glass on the bottom of my tank shielding it from the light.

If this stuff is outta control under the sand would that in fact grow through the sand bed?

It will grow anywhere it can get nutrients and light. A big plus is it doesn't like flow.... so yes it will grow up and out from those places.
Absolutely. If you paint or block out the light hitting the bottom of your tank this problem will not reoccur. You might want to stir up the bottom first to clean it out as I don't know what kind of bacteria will grow over that stuff as it dies. Course stirring it up will load this stuff into your main tank for a while.
red slime algae. Ro cyanobacteria is not fun,but needs light to survive. If that spot i the only spot hwers you see it. Then eliminating the light shiuld fix the problem
I dont know if this is what you're asking, but it is likely not in your display BECAUSE it is growing on the bottom plane from the fuge light. It is in both places because of excess nutrients everywhere in your tank, and as Cam said, where there is light and nutrient, you will find nuisance algae.