Anyone in Auburn area with Reactor setup savvy?

miami dolfan

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I've had a calcium reactor here ready to go and haven't installed it in fear of messing up. If anyone can lend a helping hand I'd really appreciate it so I can get this baby up and running. Thanks!:D
LOL. I thought that too. Did you buy it new with instructions, or used? If it's new, the instrutions are REALLY helpful. I installed one reading it off the booklet when my friend bought his. Only annoying party was adjusting the co2.
It is used but got instructions from the web. Very vague and not thoroughly explained. I'm in Auburn, GA, not AL. Thanks!
Well if thats the case I'll be GLAD to help,.....but I dont have any experience with calcium reactors. Is that a requirement? LOL.. Seriously if I knew how to hook one up I would be more than happy to help, beer or no beer.