Anyone re-bonded an old pistol to a new watchman?


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So I fear my 5.5+ year old watchman has passed on, I've not seen him for about a week and the cave entrance has not moved since the last sighting either which is not like them at all, they have moved it almost daily for years. I've read that the pistol will probably not live long once the watchman dies.

I'm concerned that if I get another watchman that the pistol may kill it thinking it's an intruder. Has anyone attempted to pair up a mature pistol with a new watchman? Am I better off letting nature take it's course and starting over with a new pair once the pistol passes? The pistol is also 5.5+ years years old, I got them both as a bonded pair at the same time, 5-8 years is about the same expectancy for them too apparently.

I cannot speak specifically about your particular shrimp and future fish, but yes, it should pair up...

My Aurora did.
I've randomly paired pistols and watchmen, never had a problem.

I've also had pistols that came in without a watchman - they did fine.

Just did it two weeks ago. They new watchman paired up with the shrimp in the tank instantly.

Thanks for the feedback all. Checked the LFS today and they didn't have any, hopefully next weekend.