Anyone tried the boxed salt?


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Drs F&S now sell salt in a box rather than a bucket. Looks like a nice environmental step -- was wondering if anyone had tried it. What I'm most interested in is properly sealing the box once opened.

One other question -- what are the small white star shaped guys on the side of my glass?
Can't answer about the salt... but those are probably asterina stars on your glass.

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I believe Larry is right on the stars. Probably asterinas, generally considered harmless. I had a ton of them, so tehy seem to reproduce quickly. Maybe not dangerous, but I got a harlequin shrimp to thin mine out.

On the salt, most salts are availabile in bag form. The only problem I have seen is that it usally costs more per weight. THe exception is the 'not-for-retail' salt which comes in bigger bags, and is probably cheaper per weight, but is not for retail (store use only). That sucks because that would be perfect to purchase and refill existing buckets.

Maybe you could ask your LFS to sell you this type of salt, but you will never see it on the shelf or advertised. Never hurts to ask I guess.
My favorite salt mix only comes in boxes. I just kept an old bucket and put the bag in there once I open the box. I actually like it better that way.
i dont even buy salt i just get the ro water with salt mixed at my lfs for 1.00 a gallon
i only use it right now for water changes
I have started buying boxed salt instead of bucket or the bags. Chris at Einsteins is where I got it the last time, even for a good price too.
Thanks to all for the replies -- great suggestion (Barbara and others) on using an old bucket to properly seal an opened box. Gee, I wish I was smart :doh:

Also, appreciate the id on the stars on the glass -- I don't have many -- frankly, their cute!

The Boxed stuff is the same, and what Derek was pointing out as per like IO, which used to be labeled "not for resale" is now simply the bags in a nice looking box. Same thing, just now retailers are 'allowed' to sell it. It costs practically the same as a bucket... Comes in 4 bags, not just one, like Reefer's Best. So easy to store in your old Salt Pail!
ares;357785 wrote: Ive bought salt in bags previously, and when I bought a bunch of bags, it would come in a box... 4 to a box as you said. is that all it is now? is it any cheaper? I really liked the bags because they were so much easier to handle, I could just snip the corner and pour the salt into the tank, no cups to scoop salt from the bucket ect.

but paid like 15-20% more for it :/ boxed up cheaper now?

It is cheaper (at least here... ) as kinda a buy in bulk discount... You'll have to check everywhere else...
You also get 200 gallons/box whereas it's 160g/bucket... unless they're stiffing you non-retail guys on the salt.

If they're the same price you get 25% more salt with the box.
IO and RC buckets have been 160g for several years. They used to be 200g prior to that.

The bulk boxes contain 4, 50-g bags (200g) and are usually very close in price to the 160g bucket, so they are a better value.

As I understand it, the individual bags inside the bulk box are not for resale - but there's nothing on the BOX itself that doesn't allow for resale.

The cases of resale bags come 3 to a box (the bags you would see on a store shelf)... that's 150 gallons' worth of salt. They are typically more expensive per unit than a comparable volume in a bucket... ie 160g bucket would sell for less than 3 x 50 g individual bags of salt. The bulk box of 4 x 50 g is the best value. The labeling on the bags inside the bulk box specify that the individual bags aren't for resale (ie a store shouldn't open the box and sell the bags individually.)
