Anyone tried the Coral Rx Sample


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I used the sample to dip the frags I picked up at the meeting. Anyone else try it?

Is it just me or is there a strong scent, reminded me of Pine Sol?

Followed the directions, dipped for 15 minutes, rinsed and into the tank. All seems ok.
yup smells like some sort of home cleaning agent. I used it also but didnt see anything to crazy come of the frags. I am going to try it on some of my existing corals later this week.
all the corals today were treated with this stuff as far as it smelling like pinesol your right .....but seems to work killed some of the red bugs off the coral i donated
BTW: ALL the frags from the Feb meeting were already dipped, so nothing should have "happened" because there was nothing alive on them. ;)

Also make sure you followed the directions because I think that one little vial made 1 gallon of dip water.
Brandon, I'm curious, why have you edited my post? It was meant to be nothing more then a joke. What rule have I broken?
Dang, I clicked the wrong button... I meant to edit my post below to add the line of "make sure you read the directions"... Sorry I will fix ASAP..
In my younger days I would say yes....But now, I'm just a happy go lucky old fart, who enjoys meeting new people and having some good old clean fun.

Thanks for the response Brandon and go enjoy your family and have fun!!!
Victor626nj;136780 wrote: but seems to work killed some of the red bugs off the coral i donated

Doesn't this seem wrong or is it just me? :wow2: :eek: Just messin with you Victor I know they were dipped. What did you donate again?
None of the coral that cameron/victor donated was given out to members because of the issues.
just saw bristle worm crawling out of the frag i got from a member. i hope the dip will help get rid of it!
Sa1chica...remember bristles are not bad..unless they get to be the size of BOA Constrictors!
Dip everything is my motto. I also use several medications for dipping which include Salifert Exit, Furan2 and Pro Coral cure.
hehehe Ok I won't panic too much then! :) saw 2 and 1 crawling around on some new live rock too what do you use to dip LR?
I am going to test some diluted pine sol and see what effect it has on a coral. Anyone else want to try with me?
Big D;138120 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Raj, I was thinking the same thing... I know I've mixed pine sol and water before and had it look milky like this stuff is, I just wonder if there's something else in it.</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>

exactly! when mixed with water, it turns milky white. There may be other stuff added, but if pine sol does the trick, who cares?
Raj, did you ever try the pine sol? Any more updates on the Coral Rx? I am about to transfer all of my corals to my new tank and want to get rid of any pests that may be in there. I have never dipped any of my corals so I am a bit apprehensive.