Anyone using Oxydators?


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Salem, AL
Is anyone using oxydators. I read where a lot of people had improvements in water clarity.
I can imagine it would have the same effect as using ozone. You can make your own oxydator if you want... I've considered it. It's a very simple design and you can buy the catalyst that they use off amazon.
I use one. Bought it used off a member on R2R. I get 35% H2O2 online and add it 1 part to 3 parts RODI.
It's in the sump, back of the return chamber so it's hard to see unless you are looking for it.
Why use this instead of just dosing peroxide?
Well, just that. Why dose? I don't have to remember to do it daily. When it's floating it's time to refill it.

I also think that while some H2O2 is forced out as the reaction happens with the catalyst, it's also releasing O2 and a little O3 into the water.
Sorry what I mean is that these things have been around a long time... way before automatic dosers were commonplace and cheap. It would seem more consistent to dose via a scheduled program as the solution in those chambers loses its potency over time as does the catalyst. Just wondering if its really worth it. :)
I thought the same thing about the catalyst breaking down. They say they last indefinitely and that wouldn't makes sense as a reaction is happening. Over the year and a half I've been using it the thing will float every 20 to 25 days. It's not getting longer either, could be 24 this time then 21 the next. After it's refilled I'll see a little surge in ORP then it normalizes. Right as it's about to float I'll see another rise. When I see the second rise I'll go look and sure enough it's floating. The one I have is the W, it holds 4 cups of fluid.

I can't tell you if dosing vs the constant steady release is better or worse. I can say the water stays clearer and I don't see any adverse reactions with any of the livestock. I've even seen peppermint shrimp climbing all over the thing. The other thing I know is H2O2 is very unstable. It wants to shed the extra O pretty quickly. Unstabilized H2O2 will turn into water pretty quickly at room temperature when unsealed. Refrigerating it slows it's breakdown. The 35% I have stays in the fridge downstairs. I labeled the jug too, so no one mistakes it for something else. I dilute it down to 3 or 6% when doing other things too. Like cleaning frag plugs or killing algae on them and put them back in the frag tank.
Oh, I very seldom run carbon in a reactor. Maybe only once or twice a year will I run it for a week or two at a time. Like when we removed the Hydnophora or when I think there could be some other toxin in the water column.