Anything I can do to stop ick?


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After adding fish recently, I’ve had an ick outbreak and lost all but a couple of the new fish as well as my older fangs that I’ve had for years including my large achilles and sailfin. Is there anything I can do to help them fight it? All seem to be eating pretty well still, including pellets and nori daily. I’ve used up most of the metro that I had from the past. I will definitely be quarantining all fish in the future but I hate that I can’t seem to stop this
Ich is only a problem for stressed fish or fish thay are not healthy already. You can NEVER be 100% ich free, unless you qt everything living, inludimg frags and snails. The use of uv light filtration that is properly sized helps, but isn't a cure. Feeding quality frozen fresh food abundantly along with medicine is what ive done in the past. Let the food thaw while the medicine is on it for 20 minutes, then feed.

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Thanks, that’s my understanding as well. This only happened after adding fish for the first time in years. I have a large UV, but unfortunately not large enough for my 800g system. I’ll continue to feed and hope for the best. A few of the living ones are looking rough, but especially my orange shoulder ah looks like his skin is peeling now? Otherwise he is acting normal. All these tangs have been happy and healthy, 6-8+”
I'm right there with you on adding fish, i don't do it often because I love the ones I have had for years, it's hard to lose them.

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I had ich issue earlier but my UV took care of it with heavy feeding. @ptreef
Uv I’m using has 3x 80 watt tubes, however I get by just fine with running two out of three so far. It has a large reaction chamber (about 50 gallons) so I can get away with that.

I hope you figure out that problem soon.
It’s not an easy one :(

best of luck!
Does Nemo or AA carry Focus and/or Metro? I think my Gramma and Mimic have some ich. A couple little white spots on the fins and some on the body.
Knowing where you bought the fish that was a bad decision to just toss in the 800. You have to setup a QT.

The only shot you have is to remove from the tank and treat them in a smaller tank. To try and treat in an 800 gallon system would not be smart and would cost a lot of money.

Hate to see this happen to you bro. Have to be careful where you buy your fish, it is known he doesn’t QT anything.

Pickup a couple 29 tall’s and setup a QT. Try to save what’s left.
You can find videos on how to do a 5 min fresh water that will kill what's on the fish but you can only do that every 24hrs. Can hive some instant relief for fish. I did this for my hippo 3 times and feed metro with frozen food 3-4 times a day
One scoop Metro, One scoop Kanaplex and 2-3 scoops Focus. If they are still eating, then they may be able to be saved. Given how fast they have died, I'd suspect it is not ich and likely velvet, bacterial or some combination of both.
I had a horrible case of praziquantel resistant flukes that made me realize the importance of quarantining all fish. I had to break down my whole display to get all the fish out. I swore I would never do that again. I have had a dedicated QT for over a year and I have not had a fish die in my display since. I follow Humblefish on R2R and he has the best protocols I have seen. So sorry you are dealing with it though. Good luck!
Well unfortunately there’s no way to break down the tank without it being a disaster so I’ve been feeding metro and focus. Only survivors so far are my blonde naso, orange shoulder, 2 small yellow tangs, 2 chromis, and one clown. I have a 100g Rubbermaid tank that I’ve separated as my QT for now, with cupramine and prazipro ready, as well as a Hannah copper checker. All fish will be in QT for a while from now on after losing 30+ fish
Well unfortunately there’s no way to break down the tank without it being a disaster so I’ve been feeding metro and focus. Only survivors so far are my blonde naso, orange shoulder, 2 small yellow tangs, 2 chromis, and one clown. I have a 100g Rubbermaid tank that I’ve separated as my QT for now, with cupramine and prazipro ready, as well as a Hannah copper checker. All fish will be in QT for a while from now on after losing 30+ fish

Damn bro, I am so sorry to see you dealing with this. It has to be nerve wrecking and heart breaking, I couldn't even imagine it I would be pulling what little hair I do have out. I hope you get everything back on the right track.