Anywhere in Atlanta that does acrylic tank repairs???


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I am acquiring a 3 month old 500 gallon reef ready tank that has a small seap in one of the seams.(The guy that built it for a lfs went belly up and wont warranty his work,it was someone in Atlanta,not sure who.the guy that owns the store is giving it to me,it was wither give it away or bust it up and throw iit in the dumpster.Hes having to buy the guy a new tank and eat it.)I havent seen it Yet,I am going to help remove it (today)so it can be replaced by a new tank.And getting it then.Getting it this evening.I was wondering if there is anywhere in Atlanta that does acrylic work/repair?I was also thinking of cutting it down a little to about a 300 gallon for space purposes.Or possibly trading it for something a little smaller.Anyone interested?I will take some pics of it and post them later this evening when I get home with it.i feel like a little kid at Christmas!!!!Cant wait.If anyone knows of anyone reputable and reasonbly priced please let me know.Thanks,Rick
Well I picked the tank up a few hours ago.WOW its huge.78 long,54 front to rear and 26 tall.The pictures with me pointing is where the leak is.The person who built it must have been a moron to put a seam where he did.I dont think repairing it will be a big problem.I think that I will "scab"a new piece of acrylic to the outside of the tank (the whole side)on both sides that have the seam.and maybe a narrow piece on the inside.(thanks for this advise casper75)

Oh if anyone has a 250-300 gallon tank they might be interested in trading pm me.Not sure if I want to set one up quite this large.I was planiing on doing a 250-300 until this kind of fell into My lap.And if anyone has any other suggestions on repairing it any advise is greatful.
Again thanks,Rick
bigd,I will try and find out exactly who built it tomorrow,if He will tell Me.He said the guy just built it like 3 months ago and he was someone in Atlanta.
WOW, what an idiot! Looks like he put the same seam on the other side? I would check that too! I would think that if you can glue in a piece on the inside, it should be fine.

(full disclosure: I don't know squat about acrylic. nada. zilch. zero. I did however stay at a holiday Inn express! lol, I have repaired a leak like that with acrylic on a glass tank and it worked flawlessly...not pretty, but it's not viewable, so it doesn't matter)
I was thinking putting a piece on the inside and outside would be strong enough..on both sides of the tank where the seam is of course.It seems to be a really well built tank other than that seam.Don`t know what the guy was thinking when he did that.
that's what I meant! I added a piece on the inside and outside and it holds well.
Well,I found out the name of the person who built the tank..Dan Blair.Don`t know if used a business name or not.So buyer beware if You are dealing with this Guy on any acrylic work.He will not stand behind it.Any one else had dealings with Him?