Apex auto feeder


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Villa rica
So I’d really love to get an auto feeder but most of them seem to be designed for tanks that have an open side of the tank with about 3-5” of space between the tank and a wall. My tank has a canopy (automatically takes out 3 sides of the tank to mount a feeder) and is also flush on the back glass. Are there any suggestions or clever mounting options anyone can think of? It would really help!
You could make an acrylic shelf to mount it to.
I made a shelf made out of acrylic that sat on top of my overflow. I added an little acrylic bracket and the auto feeder was mounted on it. Very simple.
I'm also going to be working on making a feeding ring with acrylic that attaches to the AFS.
You could incorporate something like that with a box & bracket that mounts somewhere to the canopy then attach the AFS to it.

*Edit* This is what I'm modeling the ring after. gonna use some scrap acrylic to make a couple. You'll need to find a spot on the canopy to make an attachment point. Then just make a bracket and glue it to the ring where you want it over the tank.

I like your ideas!

What do you guys think about putting something on top of the brace? A piece of acrylic or something and mounting the feeder to that? I would probably need to make sure it had something on either side to keep the acrylic from moving.
I bought the Apex feeder. Don’t “love” it. That said, I velcro’ed it an Eheim “Feeding Station”. Works great - food drops down into the water column vs getting sucked right back down the overflow.