Apex help

dylan ringwood

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Ok ladies and gents. . I have just bought an apex lite i have searched for a helpful link in getting the most out of this apex but can't seem to find any luck. I'm right now trying to reset the whole thing considering half of my outlet currently don't work. And help at all would be appreciated thanks. And it's not hooked up to the Internet I need to purchase a router for it

To go back to factory setting using the display

System->Init memory->All
Thanks Floyd. And Ringo thanks just did that hopefully that gives me a cess to all 8 again. My eb still blinking yellow

Here's the pdf on firmware updates
The netgear gaming adapter is what normally gets recommended by Neptune. You can use whatever you like though. It's a few more steps if it doesn't support WPS.
I have a tp link something for my basement tank and it cost $19 at frys. Extends your wireless network (amplifies signal) and also let's you plug a cat 5 cable into it so technically you aren't wireless and can do firmware updates and all that. Just plugs into any power outlet. Probably the best $20 I've ever spent on my tank. I'll look when I get home for exact model
Alright thanks figured I would get it online then try and see what's up with why all the outlets aren't working
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