Apex Neptune Setup / Computer setup question


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Ok, its been a while since I delved into aqua controller stuff...

So I have 2 fronts I want to be able to control my Apex on. Fusion, of course, ... which I'm still working on... I need a game bridge I guess since hard wire isn't going to happen.. .and ...

I have want to use a standing laptop on a shelf beside the tank to constantly display the Apex settings/ graphs and so forth.

So, Since there is only one cat5 output on the apex, can I only do one or the other? Can I somehow use my laptop AS that wireless bridge?

Make sense?

Fusion is web based. No direct connection to the Apex. If you tie a hub to the game controller you may be able to connect not the apex and the laptop theory the hub to the game controller. But, if the laptop has wireless built in you don't need to connect it with anything.
The APEX would need to be plugged into the Ethernet port on the bridge. The labtop can be either wireless or connected to a Ethernet port on your wireless Router as lons as it's on the same network the APEX is on.

For instance, if the APEX has an address of with a mask. The 3rd octet is the network 192.168.<span style="color: Red">1</span>.X The 4th octet 192.168.1<span style="color: Red">.X</span> is the host or APEX Address. With that mask you would have up to 254 addresses to use and you what to make sure you don't use duplicate addresses. <span style="color: Red">You can't use address 0 or 255.</span>
ya - just go to apexfusion.com and log in. All you have to do is refresh the page and you can control everything.
Fusion is a cloud based service. Once you register your APEX you can manage it either through using Fusion or your Web Browser on your laptop. Before you can get there you have to setup your APEX network properties and have network connectivity before you can even get there.