Apex Powerstrip Help


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I'm sure i'm not the only one here, but i've run out of room on my Energy Bar 8 and I want to be able to plug more things in.

Assuming I stay under the amp requirements, is there any reason I cant double up some of the outlets? For example, I have two heaters for my tank and they are each on their own outlet. Could I use an outlet splitter and put both of these on the same outlet?

I'm trying to avoid buying a 2nd energy bar, but if that's the best option, than so be it.
Bcavalli;1028330 wrote: I run my two heaters on one outlet.

Eva k is no individual control. If change the set point you can maintain better more constant temp with them set at different temps. As in heater one on at 76 and heater 2 on at 75. If heater 1 can't keep up 2 comes on.
My tank stays within .3 degrees at all times, so I don't think having the heaters set differently would matter much. From what I can tell, they turn on and off at the same time.

What other things could share outlets? Off the top of my head, I was thinking my lights and powerheads.
Lights for sure. Powerheads for sure. Depending on the draw of each you could share an outlet for skimmer and return pump.
I share a port for my heaters and used to share one for my skimmer and ATO system as they'd both get turned off in feed mode. Same with return and UV. I finally bit the bullet though and bought a second EB8.
Oh - that's a good point with the Skimmer and Return or maybe the Skimmer and ATO - I'll have to goof around with it.