apex programing help


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so i want to program my mp 40s to go into lagoon mode at 15%. anyone know what the code would look like?
Do you have the WXM module? I feel like when I configured mine I used the web interface and it was all setup via drop downs and I setup various modes throughout the day and % strength. I can check the code later if you need the actual text/syntax

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Aquaworld75;1103786 wrote: Do you have the WXM module? I feel like when I configured mine I used the web interface and it was all setup via drop downs and I setup various modes throughout the day and % strength. I can check the code later if you need the actual text/syntax

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yes have ixm but looking to program feed modes where the pumps slow
I only have mine configured as part of the daily schedule. Not sure about how to have that override during feed mode. Usually when you write the feed mode it's within the outlet confit with an 'If FeedA' syntax.

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Aquaworld75;1103791 wrote: I only have mine configured as part of the daily schedule. Not sure about how to have that override during feed mode. Usually when you write the feed mode it's within the outlet confit with an 'If FeedA' syntax.

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yes trying to figure out the if feed aA type programing, but the easy programing for anyone is a great selling point not so true
Create a profile, I named mine Slow_Feed.
Set the Type as Vortech, the Vortech type as Lagoon or Constant and the max speed of 15.

Then in the WXM Outlets for the MP's add the following line in the Advanced setup for them.
If FeedA 000 Then Slow_Feed
anit77;1103801 wrote: Create a profile, I named mine Slow_Feed.
Set the Type as Vortech, the Vortech type as Lagoon or Constant and the max speed of 15.

Then in the WXM Outlets for the MP's add the following line in the Advanced setup for them.
If FeedA 000 Then Slow_Feed

That will work thanks. I never knew about these profiles,
It's pretty easy- here is my program
I have some profiles set up for the left and right mp40s
Here is my code you can ignore the top part but you can see the feed mode turns on a profile
Fallback ON
tdata 00:00:00,0,0,25,10,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tdata 07:00:00,0,0,25,10,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tdata 08:00:00,0,0,55,11,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tdata 23:00:00,0,0,55,11,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tdata 23:30:00,0,0,45,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tdata 23:59:00,0,0,25,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
If FeedA 000 Then PF15-master
If FeedD 000 Then PF16

In the profile choose vortch and then put the settings you want!

Good luck