if your skimmer is in your sump and is picky about water level - tie the skimmer outlet to your return pump. Anytime the return pump shuts off - skimmer shuts off. Skimmer waits till return pump has been running for 15 minutes before turning back on.
Then feed mode shuts down the return pump and you can just not worry about a feed mode program for your skimmer.
Below is my skimmer outlet - my return pump outlet is named Reef_Return. You can ignore the 4th line (it's to shut the skimmer off if my skimmate container gets full). The defer statement at the bottom delays the skimmer from turning on too fast when the return pump comes back on so the water levels can settle.
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Output Reef_Return = OFF Then OFF
If Skimma OPEN Then OFF
Defer 015:00 Then ON