Apex Users - Remote Access


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For those using remote access via another computer or your phone app, did you set up a DDNS such as DynDNS? I see that it use to be free but is now $25/yr. I understand that's not much but is there a way to get around using it. The Unofficial Apex Guide lists a few others but it looks like DynDNS is the only one compatible with my router, Netgear WPN824. I'm still trying to understand the whole port forwarding and DNS thing for the remote access.

I did watch the video in this thread and it seems like if you do just port forwarding you can do this but will have to update the IP when it changes, is that correct?

Edit: edit: I was just reading about Fusion and I may just wait until the release to do remote access :D
Depending on your internet connection your IP may never change so you wouldn't need to worry about DNS. If you have a PC running at home you can also install a free app that will update your DNS entry if your IP changes but that PC will need to be on all of the time.
Just use the public dynamic address your ISP hands out to your dsl or cable modem. However, some ISP's have the age timer set to where if you loose power or reboot your router you get a different IP address almost every time and you'll need to re-configure your mobile client with the different IP address.

I have Comcast broadband and there age timer is set high and my IP address never changes. I've had my service for years and my public IP address hasn't changed for years.

There advantages in having the DynDNS service, it allows you to marry a APEX Host name to your ISP and you'll never have to worry about re-configuring the IP address.

Just remember to set port forwarding in your router. Depending on your ISP they may block port 80 inbound and if they do, just change you port number. You have lots to choose from. To access your APEX from your PC from out side your home network, you'll access it like this:

<span style="color: Blue">Example below is a Public IP Address followed by the port number which you configured in port forwarding in your router.</span>">Http://</a>
( public IP) (port )