ApexFusion: No Comm


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I decided to setup Fusion today, unsuccessfully. I have been tinkering with the settings on my Apex, resetting, retrying, tried static IP, expanding my DHCP start range, and read for a few hours online to find a solution but I still cannot connect my APEX. I connected via network cable, so there is no WIFI issue. A couple of times I was able to see the IP through my router, but could not connect to it - even more mystifying is that I repeated the exact same settings and was not able to see it again.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Mine has been flaky lately too. After a power outage it will sometimes loose the connection and be off line for a while. Reboots of the router or the Apex don't seem to help. Changing the IP address or switching from DHCP to static doesn't help, but then magically after some time (once it was 48 hours) it will just start working and be stable until the next power outage. I also can't tell whether the issue is with the Apex or the router. When I have the issue, sometimes I see the Apex in the router IP assignments, but then sometimes not. Sometimes it won't connect at all, but sometimes it will start to connect and I'll get the login popup and then timeout on the login request. In the end, if I let it just sit, it has eventually started working again. I have it set to a static IP and have that IP reserved for it in my router configuration.
MorganAtlanta;1099873 wrote: Mine has been flaky lately too. After a power outage it will sometimes loose the connection and be off line for a while. Reboots of the router or the Apex don't seem to help. Changing the IP address or switching from DHCP to static doesn't help, but then magically after some time (once it was 48 hours) it will just start working and be stable until the next power outage. I also can't tell whether the issue is with the Apex or the router. When I have the issue, sometimes I see the Apex in the router IP assignments, but then sometimes not. Sometimes it won't connect at all, but sometimes it will start to connect and I'll get the login popup and then timeout on the login request. In the end, if I let it just sit, it has eventually started working again. I have it set to a static IP and have that IP reserved for it in my router configuration.
I am using AT&T, are you by chanxe using ATT as well? I called ATT support and they said they could help if I sign up for their subscription tech assistance service. It is a 1 year contract at $15 a month. I told them no thanks and that I would see what I could do. Oddly, the APEX dissappeared from my router devices view as I was talking with their tech support.

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AT&T has some strange settings that are different from other providers. I had similar issues when I switched to them, the message I got from Neptune support was - "make sure DHCP is on an reboot". I did that and it's worked fine again ever since.
It's been a long time since I set mine up. But, if you haven't seen the new instillation manual here it is.

Odd.. My EB 832 just messed up. I can't see it pulling any power. There's a red exclamation over that module. My daughter said powerheads are working but the light isn't...
Mine works flawlessly, been running it for about 4 days now.
About to setup breakout box, looking forward to coding... Not!

When I originally setup wifi i had to use a pin to reset settings, then it went fine after that.
Also another work around is directly connecting it to your router with cat5 and setting up that way. Once you enter correct setting for wifi it should work fine.

The only issue i can think of is if you are running some sort of super secure network setup with everything locked down.

What type of router is your wifi using and how far is it from your apex?
I have it hard wired with cat 5. The router is an Arris one provided by ATT. I have it disconnected atm so ot can control the temperature in a brute that is curing rock. I broke the cheap heater I had in the brute yesterday and have not made ot out to pickup another one yet. I reset to facory setti gs using the command in the menu already but will try using a pin tonight. If that does not work, I will try flashing it.

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I think apex may be having a problem. I have been running my new version for months with no issues.. Now it's going crazy. disconnecting from fusion randomly, throwing off programs...
Many people are having issues. The cloud got hacked is my opinion.

Saw a couple of articles like this...


wondered if the Apex issues were linked to the DDoS attack. Maybe someone is taking a closer look at DDNS.

But in all honesty, I really have no idea what I'm talking about.
SUCCESS:yay:! I have absolutely no idea why though. I hooked it up again tonight, plugged it in, and voila, connection. The only difference is that I plugged it into an Ethernet hub instead of direct run back to the router. Maybe it was a similar issue as others are having. Thanks for the comments everyone!