April 2019 ARC Meeting - Aquaculture : The Reef Farm


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I'm happy to announce that Grace Romano the owner/proprietor of The Reef Farm in Raleigh, NC will be joining us as a guest speaker for our April Meeting on April 14th from 2-5pm at The Bucket Shop Cafe in Buckhead.

They successfully use natural sunlight only to grow corals at their farm and have been doing so for many years. In addition to The Reef Farm, Grace also runs the non-profit Sustainable Reef which hosts the annual ReefSmart convention in NC.

The thought of growing corals here in North America using just natural sunlight is quite amazing to me and I can't wait to learn more about it!!! Imagine having a reef tank that is solar powered?

Special thanks to @aestheticlibra for letting us meet at The Bucket Shop Cafe. Please partake in some food/beverages when you're there so they'll invite us again in the future!

Also, if you want to setup a frag table please feel free to do so. There will be time before and after the presentation to peruse and the restaurant has okay'd us setting up frag tables. Please message me if you are doing so as there is limited space on this though.

Finally... The first 15 supporting members get a $20 gift card to one of our LFS sponsors. One of the first 15 also gets an extra $20 dollar gift card... The next 20 supporting members get a free frag from me. Sign in starts at 1:45 pm. Hope to see you guys there :).

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That's awesome! I've been talking to Grace and she's a terrific person with an immense amount of knowledge. Fellow ARC folks, you should seriously try and make this meeting. The Coral Farm is a unique setup and I can't wait to see what kind of questions we can come up with.
There is free parking at The Bucket Shop Cafe. Park in the Live Oak parking deck (on Kingsboro Rd) and enter from the fourth level. Follow the signs to The Bucket Shop Cafe! The deck will have you take a ticket when you enter but the exit arms will be up and won’t charge you! I can’t wait to meet you all there!
I wish I could come. I will be in Nashville and Birmingham that weekend. Grace is a very special person and a pioneer in coral farming. Kim and I have dreamed about having a setup like Grace. “Reefing off the Grid”.
Alright a small change in the attendance prizes... The first 15 supporting members get a $20 gift card to one of our LFS sponsors. One of the first 15 also gets an extra $20 dollar gift card... The next 20 supporting members get a free frag from me. Sign in starts at 1:45 pm. Hope to see you guys there :).
I was wondering if Video recording permissible for educational purpose? If so can someone record the meeting for archive and for members who can't attend this meeting. I think we should start educational archive if we don't have one. Just a thought.
Question for tomorrow. Cash only or not? Assume both but wanted to check.
We will be setting up a tank and are able to accept cash card or paypal. Cash is always king though haha im sure the others setting up will chime in
Thanks again Grace that was super cool learning about the different aspects of how you guys do things . Thanks to the ARC staff for putting on this months meeting . Thank you to the Bucket Shop Cafe for allowing us to have the meeting there . Learned some stuff , bought some frags ( imagine that) and got to eat fish tacos without cooking them ...good day .

See you all next month at the expo .